I want to be with you(14)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
Hope: because you looking like you want to devour me
Josie: (shrugs) Maybe I do (smirks)
3rd Person's POV

After hearing Josie saying she wants to devour her Hopes eyes change to gold with veins under them and she growls her fangs/canines are begging to come out

Hope: Jo

Josie: what Hope does my wolf like that idea

Hope: Josie stop

Josie: come on Hope I heard what you said last night I want this

She walks closer were their face to face

Hope: Jo please back up

Josie: no your not running away from me

Hope: but you don't want to be with me

Josie: yes I do

She puts her arms around Hopes neck

Josie: I want to be with you Hope just let me in (whispers)

She leans in and kiss Hope she kisses back and put her arms around Josie's waist they get so lost in the kiss they didn't see or hear Andrea appear

Andrea: eww I seen to much

They pull apart and look at Andrea

Hope: heyyy little wolf how was your date

Andrea: bad now don't change the subject what I miss

Hope: ummm (looks at Josie)

Josie: I think you should call Jordan to come over

Andrea: why...wait ewww but I don't want to right now (crosses her arms)

Josie: why

Andrea: we had a fight (rolls her eyes)

Josie: aww sweetheart what happened

She pulls away from Hope to go to Andrea

Hope: (turns around) Heyyyy

Josie: sorry babe but Andrea is upset and why did you turn around

Hope: so you can't see it

Andrea: yeah I definitely don't want to

Josie: forget about that...sit down and tell me what happened

Andrea: ok

They sit down

Andrea: so everything was fine we was having dinner on the rooftop because we like to switch it up we was talking about our Anniversary and Anthony's birthday when he got a call he answered it and left for 5 minutes then came back and said he had to go then vamped off I wanted 5 hours for him to come back by the time he did it was really late he saw how mad I was tried to apologize but I was fed up so I teleported back here

Hope: I'm sorry about that little wolf it's going to be ok

Andrea: (starts crying) I just don't know what I did for him to be so distant

Josie: you didn't do anything wrong just give him some time

Hope: in the meantime can you please get him this is uncomfortable you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to

Andrea: (huffs) fine JORDAN

He immediately appears

Jordan: I'm sorry about our date princess

Andrea: save it do you remember everything I told you

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