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Previously on The True Future Threat
Bree's POV
I wish Andrea was here to save me...
3rd Person's POV

As if someone had granted her wish Andrea bust through the door with anger...and a bit of fear

The truth is Andrea always had a crush on Brianna but she knew they couldn't be together so she let it go for years

That didn't mean she didn't love her she loved her just as a friend so seeing her best friend being r*ped made her flip her eyes turn into a bright gold and she growls loudly

Andrea ran towards Deven and tackled him while Brianna was still crying Andrea punched him in the face over and over again until he was twitching on the floor Andrea got up and kicked him hard in the dick he definitely won't be having kids soon (Deven is a werewolf by the way)

Andrea: If you touch my best friend or any woman like this again I will kill you

Andrea walks over to a whimpering Brianna

Brianna tried to move of the bed she didn't look like she had any strength before she could fall Andrea caught her and carried her bridal style

Andrea: I got you Bree (sighs) I got you

1 hour later

Andrea took Brianna to her house that she had bought for after graduating she puts Brianna down on her bed and tries to leave to get stuff to clean her up Brianna grabs on tight to her shirt

Bree: (whimpers)p-p-please don't leave me (crys out)

Andrea holds her tight and kiss the side of her head and looks her straight in the eye

Andrea: I'm not going to leave you Brianna I just have to get some stuff so you can take a bath ok

Bree nodded Andrea leaves for 2 minutes then she comes back and grabs Brianna and takes off her clothes then set her in the warm water

Andrea: I'm going to go get you a towel ok

Brianna nodded while looking down Andrea leaves again for a minute she comes back and sets down the towel and goes to the door to leave

Bree: please don't leave

Andrea nods and walks over to the tube to sit by her

30 minutes later

Brianna sits up from the tub Andrea also gets up to turn around and hand Bree her towel while she faces her back

Bree: you can turn around now

Andrea turns around and goes and tries to hug Bree walks past her instead Andrea looks at the floor Bree sits on the bed

Andrea: Brianna

Brianna puts her hand up

Bree: not now Drea...not now

Andrea walks out the bathroom Brianna puts her head in her hands and starts crying Andrea goes to the dresser to pick out some clothes for them
She changes quick then she walks up to Brianna and kneels in front of her

Andrea: Bree talk to me (sighs) Brianna talk to me please...I'm here for you

Andrea puts her hands on Brianna's to put her hands down Brianna looks up with glossy eyes

Bree: I'm sorry

Andrea: for what Bree? (confused)

Bree: for not listening to you and for being dumb

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