I"m sorry Mikael-...what(3)

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Previously on The True Futrue Threat
In the Hallway

3rd Person's POV

Hope: I'm sorry Mikael- what?

Andrea: Mikaelson. Andrea Mikaelson

Hope is in shock she has never seen this person before but she does look familiar

Hope: y-y-your lying. How the hell are you a mikaelson when I'm the last...heir

Andrea looks at the floor with a small smile

Andrea: I can't tell you that yet

Hope: (mad) what do you mean you can't tell me yet I'm a mikaelson and I have never heard of you I have the right to know...I'm also a tribrid so i'd advise you to tell me know

Hope flashed her hybrid fact threatening the girl but Andrea didn't move or flinched

Andrea: I believe you owe me a tour then maybe I will tell you...If things go to accordingly as planned

Hope: Are you a threat what do you want why are you here and what are you planning (growls)

Andrea: (smiles) the day has to almost end for me to tell you somethings then the rest later...so about that tour

Hope was going to growl again but got interrupted

Caroline: Hope is everything ok

Andrea: yeah Hope...is everything ok

Hope: (hesitates) Yeah...everything is fine

Andrea smiled

Hope: let's start this tour
The end of the tour
3rd Person

They walk in the cafeteria

Hope: This is the cafeteria the werewolfs normally eat out side the witches sit together and the vampires sit across the room...and me and my friends table is over there

They walk over to the super squad

Hope: Hey everyone (sighs) I would like you to meet Andrea she is the new student

Andrea: (waves) Hi I'm Andrea Mik-...

Hope jabs her in the rib but of course Andrea barely moved
Andrea: (smiles) I'm Andrea

Andrea looks at hope with a smile and sits down
Hope sits down right next to her

Mg: Hi Andrea. I'm Mg I'm a vampire

Lizzie rolls her eyes Mg jabs at her

Mg: Lizzie

Liz: FINE. I'm Lizzie Saltzman I'm a herictic vampire and witch my parents own this school... so don't try anything

everyone rolls their eyes

Mg & Hope: Really Lizzie

Liz: yes really she is a murder I don't know why she stll here (crossing her arms)

Andrea sits back with a big smile one thats too familiar

Andrea: Well Drama Queen yes I killed people but it was for a good reason

Liz: (scoffs) drama queen...Look here newbie I'm...
Andrea: (puts her hand up) I'm going to have to stop you right there

Andrea checks her watch and breaths in and out

Andrea: Hope we got to go

Hope looks at her

Hope: what

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