14|| Seizures

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Lo'ak's eyes glistened as he stared at the floor intensely. Tuk and Aonung fall silent, staring at the boy as I usher them to stand. I give Aonung a knowing look and thankfully he understood the message.

"How about we go and visit the Ilu's?" He asked Tuk. She eagerly nodded and held his hand as he led her out. Giving my brother a few comforting pat's as he left.

I quickly shut all of the entrances with leaf like curtains as I make my way to brother. Once I reach him he breaks down into my arms. He sobs relentlessly and clutches onto me like I'm life itself. 

"Oh Lo'ak" I murmur as I sit him down. His head lays against my chest as his arms wrap around my waist. I pressed my forehead to the crown of his head, snaking my arms around his neck and shoulders. His fingernails dig into my back as I continue to stroke his flesh. His chest is rising and falling all to fast and his tears are flowing like the strongest of rivers.

"Am I a failure?" He hiccups. My heart clenches at his words, I kiss his head and sigh into him.

"You're anything but a failure Lo'ak." I reassure him, I feel my skin dampen as his tears slow.

"Then why does everybody act like it!" He yells in frustration. I hold him tighter, feeling tears of my own starting to fall.

"You just tend to follow you're heart instead of you're head. People don't see that Lo'ak, all they see is a rebellious kid." I sigh in defeat.

"All everyone see's is how much of a screw up I am! I'll never be like Neteyam" He cries into me. 

"But you're not Neteyam. You're Lo'ak, and I don't want you to be him. I want you to be you." I say, wiping my arm across my under eyes, wiping any proof of sadness. He looks up at me and his eyes soften. 

"You really mean it?" He sighs looking the most vulnerable I've ever seen him.

"I mean it with all of my heart. I see you Lo'ak" I say, his body relaxes and he cuddles into my shoulder.

"Then you should tell Dad, he doesn't seem to understand" He grumbles into my body. I let out a small, chest rumbling growl. 

"Don't listen to Dad, he only see's things one way, and in his opinion it's the only right way." I tell him. He notices my slight anger and begins to hum a familiar tune. 

"Really? That song?" I scoff in disbelief.

"We where little, it's the only one I remember" He mutters.

"What happened to you being sad?" 

"When you're angry you make a funny face. It's hard to stay sad at when it's right in front of you."

"You skxawng!" I yell ruffling his hair. He tries to escape me as we end up tackling one another on the floor. I try to make him forget about our fathers words and it seems affective as he becomes the bright and cheerful kid he always once was. 

I let out a sound of surprise as he manages to knock us both out of the home and onto the sand. We fly through the leaves and onto the beach floor. He rolls off of me and lays on the floor like a star, he huffs and puffs as a shadow looms over us. Kiri's face comes into our field of vision and she softly smiles.

"You guys both look so stupid" She laughs between her fingers as they cover her mouth. I sit up quickly and hold a hand for my brother to do the same.

"We where going to go to the spirit tree today. You coming?" She asks. 

"Yeah, we'll come" I smile as I feel Lo'ak's hand tug on mine. He stands up as we begin to follow her. In the distance Tuk is sitting in Aonung's lap and he's beaming in joy that she chose him instead of Neteyam. He frowns as I sit across from him opposed to the empty seat to his left. Kiri takes the empty spot much to his dismay.

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