im trying

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Nick was trying so hard to not do anything bad. He wished his brothers were there for him like he was there for them. But that never happened for nick atleast. Nick always tried to think positively but this this was not the time. Nick would hardly ever hear from matt or chris and when they would visit they would not even talk or be their with him half of the time. Nick wondered what he did to them why they hated him so much or why did they not care. Nick would often not get any sleep for days because his days were only filled with crying and  drinking. He was trying. He was trying to be strong and not do something stupid like his father. But all he ever wanted was to be loved and cared for as a kid and as a adult. By his mom brothers or anyone really. But that wish never came true never. Nick would often see Matt and Chris's snap chat story of them going to party's or having so much fun without Nick. Nick felt like he was just disconnected from his family. He still loved his brothers so much he would even die for them.  Nick was motionless he had no feelings for anything anymore. All he felt was sadness and depression. His days were mostly spent crying and eating in his room in a empty house nobody to talk to. Nick had not been out of the house for almost a year he would only go out to go to the grocery store for a few minutes. Nick was trying. Trying so hard he had failed. He could not do this anymore his life ment nothing. Nobody was there for him. Nothing he could do in life was worth it.

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