Ch. 1 - What Room Does A Ghost Not Need? A Living Room!

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(A/N: OC is female, 22 years old and looks like the picture above. She also has a patch of blood on her abdomen due to how she died.)

Current time: Date of death

Shiyu was attempting to sleep on the floor in an abandoned bar she found a few months back; for an abandoned bar it looked relatively new. She had no clue as to why such a clean place had no occupants. Although she did know a few kids who played here often but they only came over once or twice a week.

Those exact kids were currently mucking around upstairs, they were making an awful load of noise which stopped her from getting a nap so she whipped out her phone and scrolled through the latest news. Unbeknownst to her and the kids playing upstairs, a few cracks had started to appear in the roof.

Shiyu turned over, laid on her stomach, put some headphones on and played [insert music].

After a few minutes the roof crashed down, taking one of the kids with it.

"Oh my god!" Celery screeched "Sedia! You okay!?"

Two of the three kids frantically ran to check on Sedia, almost tripping down half the stairs on the way down.

"Sedia!" Carrot yelled, rummaging through the rubble to try and find her. Soon some muffling noises were heard amongst the rubble and they pulled Sedia out of the rubble.

(A/N: I chose bad names for no reason, also if you didn't notice sedia is chair in Italian cos why not :))

"You okay?" Celery asked.

"Yeah, the closet protected me as I fell." Sedia shakily replied "We should scram though, I don't want to see Shiyu's reaction to us trashing the place."


The kids ran off without noticing that Shiyu was stuck under the rubble, an iron bar had impaled her in the side and she was slowly bleeding out but unable to move.

Shiyu started to have flashbacks on her life, her life was mostly plain, boring and average so there wasn't much to look back on.

Shiyu coughed up blood before soon passing out, drifting into a deep and calming sleep.





Shiyu's eyes shot open, she glanced around and noticed that she was floating two metres above the rubble which covered her body, "What the-" she mumbled. She looked at her hands and turned them from side to side.

"Huh, I'm transparent and floating..." after a few seconds of thinking, it clicked, "Am I a ghost!?" She shouted dumbfounded. She did a few backflips in the air and went through a few walls.

"Wait does this mean I can haunt the people I hate?" Shiyu dove through the walls of the bar and right before she floated out through the door an invisible barrier sent her flying back. "Oh. Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no no no no no! I'm gonna die of boredom in here!" She then tried to float out of the roof and the back of the bar to which she just ended up getting thrown back.

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