A Warm Welcome from and old friend

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Your footsteps echoed through the empty halls as you walked through the Ministry. Each room you passed you peaked into, hoping that you would find the room you were looking for.
"Dammit, I should've had one of the Ghouls come with me." You mumbled in and annoyed tone as you checked another room.

You sighed heavily and continued to walk down the hall. You were just about to give up, but decided to check just one more room. You approached a random door and reached out, opening it. You peeked inside and scanned the room. You had managed to stumble across the Ministry's library.

"Hello..? Anyone in here..?" You called out softly, getting no response.  You stepped into the room, glancing around at all the books as you gently shut the door behind you. "This place hasn't changed a bit..." You mumbled as you approached one of the many bookshelves and started to look through the books that were neatly placed on the shelves. You reached out and grabbed one of the books, gently wiping away the dust on the cover.

You flipped through the dust covered pages, quickly skimming through the book. "Having a nice read?" You heard somewhat loud voice call out to you from behind. You jumped and quickly turned around to see who startled you.

You heard a soft chuckle before the voice spoke again."So sorry, Amore. I didn't mean to startle you." The person spoke softly as they stepped out from behind a bookshelf.

"Copia..!?" You question as you stared at the man in front of you. He stepped closer. A smile was plastered on his face as he looked down at you. "Welcome home, Y/N." He said as he bowed his head down to you.

You felt a smile quickly form on your face as you practically tossed yourself onto Copia's arms. You flung your arms around him, tightly hugging into him. You felt his hands gently wrap around your body as he hugged you back.

"It's so good to see you again!! My God, you've changed a lot. I almost didn't recognize you!" You said as you looked up at him, your hands gently gripping the sides of his arms.

It was true. He looked so different from the last time you saw him. Some of the features of his face were completely different, his skin was paler, and his eyes seemed to have a redish tint to them. His chin a different shape. Hell even his nose was different.

He chuckled slightly as he gently took your hand into his. "I could say the same to you... you have no idea how much I've missed you, Tesoro." Copia said as he lifted your hand up to his mouth and gently kissed the top of it.

You felt your heart flutter and your cheeks get ever so slightly warmer. Copia tilted his head, noticing the slight red color that had appeared on your cheeks. " Everything alright, Amor?" He asked as a slight smirk appeared on his face.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright..." Anyway, we should go and do something together. We have so much catching up we need to do!" You said quickly, changing the subject. "Yes, yes, we should. How about we head to the music hall? Maybe I could even do a little performance for you, " Copia said.

You nodded, and he led you to the music room. Still gently holding your hand as you two walked through the Ministry's halls.

Soon, you approached a set of giant doors. Copia pushed them open and led you into the music hall.

As you looked around, you felt a strong wave of nostalgia wash over you. You remembered spending days watching Copia's brother, Primo, and the Ghouls performe their songs as you, Copia, and Terzo sneakily whached from around the corner. You also remembered the days when the Ghouls would catch the three of you secretly whatching and would send you all running down the halls as they chased the three of though the Ministry.

You smiled as you remembered those moments. It had been so long since you had thought of those memories. You whatched as Copia made his way over to a beautiful black and gold piano. You walked over to him, your eyebrows slightly furrowed as you looked down at him.

"You know how to play the piano?" You asked as you  leaned onto the edge of the piano. "Indeed, my brother taught me to play it a few years back. Care to hear?" He asked as he stretched out his fingers before hovering his hands over the keys.

You nodded and stood listening as he started to play. As soon as you heard the first few lines of the song, you instantly recognized it. Life Eternal. It was the song you two had created back when you were younger. At the time  neither of you two knew how to play any instruments, so the song was only words on paper. But hearing those words mixed with the beautiful sound of the piano created an experience like no other. Copia's beautiful voice encoded through the room as you stood thier almost hypnotized by his performance. You weren't able to take your eyes off of him. every word he sang seemed to draw all of your attention onto him.

The song soon ended, and Copia lifted his hands away from the piano, slightly turning his head up to face you. "Did you enjoy the performance?" He asked, slightly snapping you out of your trance.
You shook your head slightly as you grabbed his hands and gently held onto them.

"You played our song... it was amazing! You sounded so beautiful!" You said in a loud voice. Copia smiled as he turned twords you. "I'm glad you liked it! You know.. if you want I could teach you to play." He said as he slid over and patted the bench next to him.

You eagerly sat next to him as he slowly started to teach you how to play. As you both sat at the piano time seemed to fly by. Before you both knew it, you were both being summoned to the dining hall for dinner. You both soon hurried to the dining hall, chatting with each other as you walked.

You both soon entered the dining hall and joined everyone at the table. The night went on, and everyone celebrated your arrival with a grand feast. You felt happy to celebrate with everyone. Happy finally to be home..

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