The Return

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The fall sun shined through the treeline as the taxi drove steadily along the road. As you sat in the back seat looking out upon the setting sun, you nervously fiddled with the silver colored ring on your finger. You were being taken to Papa Nihil's Ministry. And let's just say you were extremely nervous.

It had been many years since you had last been to that Ministry, and it also had been many years sens you had last saw "Him."

Would "He" even remember you? Would "He" even be happy to see you after so long?

Thoughts like these flooded your mind as you thought of the possible outcomes of this visit.

You had been sent to this ministry by your father and would be staying there for most of the fall and winter season while renovations were being made at your father's ministry. Luckily, your father was an old friend of Papa Nihil. Which is how you came to meet everyone in the Emeritus family.

By the time you arrived at the ministry, the sun had almost set. The taxi soon pulled to a stop as you looked at the ministry though the window. You stepped out of the car and quickly grabbed your suitcase from the trunk. After tipping the driver, the taxi soon sped off.

You stood at the entrance of the ministry, looking up at the huge building. It all felt so surreal. You thought you would never see this place again. After taking a deep breath and making sure you looked presentable, you walked up to the doors of the Ministry and rang the doorbell.

* Ding.. Dong*
*Ding.. Dong*
*Ding.. Dong*
*Ding.. Dong*

After the fourth ring, the doors slowly opened. You were greeted at the door by Sister Imperator.

"Oh, Y/N! It's so nice to have you back! " She said with a smile as she greeted you with a hug.

"It's nice to be back." You said as you stepped into the ministry. " This place has changed a lot since I was last here..," you said, glancing around the hall as you walked beside Sister.

"Yes, yes. A lot have things have changed. All good changes of course!" Sister said as she led you to the room you would be staying in.

Sister soon led you down the long hallway to your room. When you got there You opened the door and glanced around the room as you stepped inside.

It was slightly dark, big black curtains draped over the tall windows. The bed was nothing special, just a normal queen sized bed with comfy looking blankets. Other than a desk, a nightstand, and a bookshelf, there wasn't much other furniture in the room.

"You're free to decorate this room all you'd like, as long as you're not putting holes in the wall. Anyhow, get yourself unpacked. I'll go inform Papa and the others of your arrival, " Sister said as she turned and left, gently shutting the door behind her.

You sighed slightly as you lifted your suitcase onto the bed and began to unpack your things. You placed your clothes on the shelf in your closet before shoving your suitcase up against the wall. As you stepped away from the closet, you heard heavy footsteps quickly approach your room from behind the door. Before you could turn to face the door, it suddenly swung open, startling you.

"Y/N!!" Two voices shouted from behind you. You turned your head just in time to feel two people quickly wrap their arms around you, almost tackling you to the ground.

"Swiss!? Aether!?" You yelled in surprise. "Holy fuck! you two scared me! " You said as they let you free from thier grasp.

"Sorry! We're just excited to see you again!... It's been forever since your last visit, all the Ghouls are excited about your arrival as well!" Swiss exclaimed.

"Yeah, but we wanted to be the first two ghouls to welcome you back!" Aether pitched in.

You smiled slightly "It's nice to be back, I can't even begin to tell you both of how much I missed this place."

"Well Eveyone at the Ministry sure had missed you too... well not as much as Copia has. I think he's missed you the most out of Eveyone here" Aether said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"He has..?" You said trying not to sound to surprised.

"Of course he has! He's been talking about your arrival ever sens he found out about it. Hell he even went around the whole ministry to make sure the place was clean." Said Aether.

You shook your head slightly. "I doubt he would do all that just for a "visitor." You mumbled slightly as you crossed your arms across your chest. "Were dead serious, He forced us to help him clean! It took hours!" Swiss complained

"If you don't believe us then go and ask him, I'm pretty sure he's in his room right now getting ready"

"Alright, I will then..!" You said as you turned and walked over to the door.

"Do you want one of us to come with you so you don't get lost!?" Swiss called out as you walked out of the room.

"No ill be fine! I know where I'm going!" You yelled back in response as you started to walk down the long hallway.

You'd soon come to regret saying those words...

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