chapter 1 ♡

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Happily smiling while being ridiculously out of breath, Niragi collapsed on the floor next to a destroyed gameplace. How could this have been a 9 of hearts game? It was way too physical, running down a huge building, skyscraper almost after the game has started on the rooftop. All of them had to run as fast as possible, so the exploding floors wouldn't throw them out the broken windows, smash them into unrecognizable human leftovers or even burn them to death. It just didn't cross Niragis mind, how this could possibly be a heart game at all. A real heart game wouldn't have been better though, he was terrible at those. Terrorizing people was the only thing the male truly enjoyed and was good at, at least in his own opinion.

"Ha...ha...HAHAHA", Niragi laughed loudly, throwing his head back as he looked at some humans being buried and pierced through by some pieces of the building.

"how pathetic, you all couldn't even win a single game involving a little bit of running...serves all of you right. People like them don't know what it takes to live anymore", dusting his clothes off, he slowly got up, kicking a stone to the side as he took out the phone from said game "give me my 9 days of Visa come on, don't be so slow, I've got things to do", he waited a moment more before clicking his tongue after nothing appeared on the phone.

"kinda the game itself....", just being confused wouldn't help him much either, so he decided to go back to the beach first and think about it later. He looked at the fence which surrounded the building before. It didn't open back up again, he'd have to climb it. Shrugging his shoulders, he made his way over there, holding onto it to try climbing up as the phone suddenly made a noise. More specifically the voice, always telling the rules appeared: "congratulations, you have reached the final stage of the 9 of hearts game."

Final...stage? Not a second after the woman talked, and he touched the fence he was hurt by the heaviest electronic shock ever touching him, his feet practically lost their grip to the ground, making him fall and hurt his head. Feeling dizzy and just more confused he groaned in pain, reaching out for the phone which fell from his hand. Turning the display towards him, he had a hard time reading what was written on the screen.

"9..of the hate the most. Warning. The person is dying right now. Warning, risk of losing...", Niragi furrowed his eyebrows, what did this have to do with the normal way those games work? His confusion was on the highest point it has been for days.

Who do I even really hate who is also in risk of dying right now?...he couldn't think of one, of course, he dislikes most of the world reputation but hating the most was a hard decision to make. On top of it, he suddenly felt so tired, he tried looking on the phone again, he could only make out the time written in the right corner as he heard the same voice from before again.

"the rules are as followed: you lose when you give up, you lose if you aren't able to safe your most hated person, you lose if you don't take part in this game in every loop. The person you hate most, dies if you die during this game, making you lose as well. Good luck for your first loop!"

it was 1:55am and out his lights went before he could even wonder what all the talking about the loops meant. But he'll soon find out or he'll die.


How did you like the first chapter?

The more feedback i get, the more motivated i am to update you guys. 

I hope you liked it tho, englisch isn't my first or second language so I'm struggeling real hard.

See You ASAP♡

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