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blank - a card, frequently a community card, of no apparent value.

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"G-03-777, target on the move towards you. Proceed with caution."

Grian puts two fingers on the earpiece, trying to hear the words over the chaos around him. Outside the building sirens are blaring, inside the building people are blaring, and somewhere in here are about twenty lethal prisms that are able to blow this entire block up. What Grian is looking for is just the man that can tell them where they are - who, according to the informant over his earpiece, is heading just his way.

"Copy that."

It's a completely normal office building in the heart of Aqua City, and the fact that his target was able to rent a few floors for quite a while is definitely something to ponder over later. Although, right now, all he needs to think about is getting information.

"He operates as usual, though be alert."

"I'm always alert," he responds.

It takes a while of walking around and trying to concentrate, but after a small while, the alarms become a background noise and instead a new noise pushes itself into the forefront of Grian's mind - footsteps.

Not running, no, but also not leisurely strolling. This must be it, Grian thinks. He zeros in on the noise, realizes that it's closer than he thought it was, and starts running. His target doesn't seem to hear or notice, since his footsteps continue as before - an advantage Grian will not pass up on.


They meet in a fairly big room, the floor shining with a bright sheen of water covering the surface of it. Grian tries stopping in his tracks, sliding a bit forwards, and just managing to stay upright. He quickly regains his balance, giving the wet floor sign and the bucket and mop next to him an annoyed glare. His target on the other hand starts flailing his arms around, barely holding onto the wall next to him.

"Well, hello there!" His voice is static-y and mechanic, like putting someone's voice through autotune far too many times to be understandable. Grian rolls his eyes.

"Turn that voice changer off. It gives me a headache."

He laughs. "But only because it's you, Triple-Seven."

Scar lowers the mask with the built-in voice changer to rest on his chin. He looks the same as he always does. Well, he wears different outfits in every encounter of theirs, but they're all similarly extravagant, so Grian stopped noticing it after the fifth new one. Although a constant is always his hidden face - a cloth wrapping around his chin and nose, almost like a normal face mask, just more secure; and an actual mask, one in a strange shape, vertical and covering the left side of his face.

The only reason he turns off his voice changer for Grian is because in one mission he somehow managed to break it, causing him to hear Scar's actual voice - so there was no use in trying to conceal that part of his identity anymore. But it's not like it helps him much, unless they actually catch a suspect. What is he gonna do, ask people to keep an ear out for him?

"Um, do we wanna do this somewhere drier?" Scar laughs nervously, tapping his foot on the floor.

Grian's eyes quickly run over the room, assessing the situation. He can't help but smile a bit. "Actually, this is just right."

He kicks the bucket.

It slides towards Scar for a second, before thankfully toppling over and sending water all across the room. There's not much water, but it reaches Scar's feet and engulfs his soles, and he looks up somewhat strangely because of it.

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