You Like Bikes?

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“So how do you survive without killing?”

Sebastian and Elsa were sat on the warehouse roof, their feet dangling over the edge. It was mid November and the nights drew in quickly; Sebastian’s breath created a swirling mist in the icy air but neither of them were cold as they sat and talked for hours.

“My father keeps me supplied with blood bags,” Elsa explained, she had already told Sebastian about Haven and her father’s work there. He had been very interested in the idea that medications could be developed to curb blood lust, “And Hesper keeps offering to take me hunting.”


“Yeh, like going on a safari or something and chasing down some lions,” Elsa wrinkled her nose, “Part of me feels excited by the idea, but the part that feels disgusted keeps winning.”

Sebastian laughed. Elsa adored the sound, she had definitely gone back into full crush mode and even if she hadn’t, she was sure that the mere impact that Sebastian’s presence seemed to have on her both physically and mentally would have drawn her in by now. It was like she had no control over it and she wondered if he had similar powers to her for attracting prey. She couldn’t quite figure out how to ask him.

“How do you survive?” She asked and she felt the familiar tensing of muscles as his face clouded and he struggled to protect her from his emotions.

“I haven’t found a way to survive without killing,” he said and paused as if giving her chance to show her horror. She didn’t, this was something she knew about Sebastian and in truth she had always known it. He was dangerous, she felt it strongly but just as strongly she felt the anguish it caused him and she knew that it was not the way he wanted to be. She couldn’t be horrified with him, if she hadn’t had the support of her father and Haven would she have been any different?

“It’s ok,” she said, “You can tell me, if I understand, maybe I can help.” She had explained her reasons for not yet taking him to Haven. When Sebastian had asked what criteria had to be met to qualify for help she had to admit she wasn’t sure. Vampires and werewolves that were once human could be put back in touch with their human side but neither she nor Sebastian knew if any part of him had ever been human and until she knew he wasn’t one of the black listed supernatural beings that her father had mentioned, she wasn’t going to risk his safety. The more she knew about Sebastian, the more chance she had of finding out what he was.

“I can last quite a while these days,” Sebastian continued, “Two months, sometimes three. The hunger builds slowly and I’ve found ways of dulling it for as long as possible.”

“Like what?”

Sebastian looked uncomfortable, “I’m not sure I want to talk about it.” He said. Elsa didn’t want to push him.

“Ok,” she said, “What happens when you can’t dull it anymore?”

“I go somewhere that I know I will find the people this world will miss the least. I can smell them out and after looking for as many decades as I have, you know the best places.” He looked at her, his face pained, “I’m not ready to go into this,” he said, “I don’t want you to know...” his voice trailed off.

“I understand,” Elsa said, wanting to reach out and touch him but painfully aware that she had no idea if that would be welcome.

“I’m going to ask my dad to take me into work with him again,” she said, “There’s a massive library there, I’ll look up all the things you’ve told me and see if I can find out what you are and if it’s safe to bring you in.”

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