Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

Loki and McKenna both turned at the same time as Selig came into the kitchen and Loki moved away from McKenna to scoop Selig up. He still looked exhausted, rubbing puffy eyes with both fists. "You look as if you could sleep the entire day away, little man."

Selig yawned, his head coming to rest against Loki's shoulder. "My tummy hurts."

"What do you want for breakfast?" Loki asked as McKenna doctored her coffee and moved to the kitchen table.

"I don't know."

"Well, I can't fix I don't know for you, Sel. I need a little more to go on." Loki held him away and frowned. Selig's pale skin had a hint of green about it. "Are you all right, little man?"

Selig shook his head. "I don't—" His eyes widened in horror and he wriggled away from Loki, saying, "I think I'm gonna throw up, Daddy..."

He hit the floor and bolted toward the half bath just beyond the basement door and Loki winced at the splash that followed. McKenna started to rise from her chair, but he held up a hand. "I've got him."

Bracing himself, Loki moved to the bathroom doorway. Thankfully, Selig had made it to the toilet, but now, dry heaves wracked through his little body and he was crying. Loki sank to his knees alongside his son, rubbing Selig's back as he murmured, "It's all right, little man. It's all right."

"I'm sorry, Daddy..."

"Sorry? For being sick? One cannot help being sick," he replied, stretching for the towel on the rack behind him. He slid it down and used it to wipe Selig's mouth, then set it on the counter. "Would you like a glass of water?"

He nodded but before Loki could get it, Selig hunched over the bowl again, coughing and gagging and crying all at the same time. "Easy, little man," he whispered, rubbing his back again with one hand as he swished his free hand to make a cup of water appear on the counter.

Selig sank to his knees on the floor, his body going limp. He was ghostly white, sweat beading his upper lip and dampening the curls at his temples. Loki carefully gathered him in his arms and rose, cradling his son against his chest. "Sip this, little man." He flicked his fingers and the water became ginger ale and he held the cup to Selig's lips.

Selig took only the tiniest of sips before sinking back into his father's shoulder. As he did, his eyes closed and he murmured, "Tired..."

"I think we'll skip breakfast," Loki told him, flicking his forefinger at the toilet to make it flush. He carried Selig out of the bathroom, where McKenna stood outside the door.

"I've already turned down his bed," she said, reaching up to ruffle Selig's hair gently and then stretched to brush her lips along his cheek. "I'll take him."

"I'll do it, love. It's easier for me to carry him." He winked at her and carried Selig up to his room.

As he set him in bed, Selig let out a small cry. "Ow! Not so hard, Daddy."

"I barely set you down, Sel." Loki frowned as he bent to rest the back of his hand against Selig's forehead. Hot. "Where does Mommy keep the thermometer?"

"I don't know," Selig replied grouchily.

Instead of going in search of it, Loki swished his hand and a thermometer appeared in his palm. "Keep it under your tongue, Sel."

Selig scowled, but did as he was told and Loki waited until it beeped to pull it free. "One hundred one. I think we need to bring you to Eir, little man."

Sinking back into his pillows, Selig let out a soft sigh. "My tummy really hurts, Daddy."

McKenna appeared in the doorway. "How is he?"

"He's running a fever and his stomach hurts."

"Where does it hurt, little man?" McKenna came into the room and gingerly sank onto the edge of Selig's bed.

"All over, but mostly here." His hand came to rest above his right hip.

McKenna covered his hand with hers. "Does it hurt when I press?"

"OW!" Selig bent almost in half and began crying. "Mommy!"

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to press so hard." McKenna smoothed a hand over his hair and as she looked up at Loki, her eyes were concerned. "It might be his appendix. Can Eir remove it?"

"My what?"

"Your appendix, sweetie. It isn't a big deal and you'll feel a lot better when it's gone. I promise."

Loki nodded. "I think so." He waited for her to rise and when she did, he bent and carefully gathered Selig in his arms. "I'll take him to Asgard and I'll let you know what she says."

"Okay." McKenna reached up to ruffle Selig's dark hair. "I'll be there as soon as I can get the others ready, love. Okay?"

Selig nodded. "Okay, Mommy."

Loki gave him a gentle squeeze. "No need to look frightened, little man. Everything is going to be just fine."

Selig nodded, nestling his head against Loki's chest. He looked so small, so fragile, in his arms and without thinking, Loki tightened his hold on him. To McKenna, he said, "Take your time. He'll be in good hands."

She smiled as she caught him by the elbow and pushed up to brush her lips across his cheek. "I know. He's with you. He's already in the best hands I can think of."

He winked at her and carried Selig out of the room. Selig whimpered softly against him. "Careful, Daddy."

"I'm sorry, little man, but unlike Unca Thor, I cannot fly. I have to walk." Loki wiggled his fingers and the French doors off the kitchen opened. By the time he reached the Bifrost site, Selig was dozing against him, and he didn't stir even as Loki called, "Heimdall, I need you to open the bridge!"

The familiar hook snagged him and Loki tightened his hold on Selig as Midgard vanished in the familiar blur of rainbow light.

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