Easy To Forget

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We've been sitting on the bed, side by side for hours on end now. I stopped counting a good while ago with the small, digital clock on Hero's side of the bed the only thing telling us how far into the day we are. I don't even know what time it was when we arrived here after the forty-five-minute drive. We could be anywhere. We could have done circles, travelling back on ourselves without even knowing thanks to the blacked-out windows.

Every now and again, Hero has checked on me, making sure I'm okay. Every time, I've answered yes. Because I am. Simply because he's here with me. I've only known him for a few days, but there's just something about him that not only intrigues me but something inside me tells me I can trust him. That he's just in this as much as I am. That I'm safe. I didn't even know it was possible to feel that so quickly with someone so new. But we've clicked and I'm taking that as a good thing.

The clock hits 6:15pm and the moment the four changes to a five, an alarm blares loudly around us. What the fuck? It sounds like an air raid siren, screaming to get all our attention.

"It's time to come out. Couples, please gather in the communal living area for your next instruction," a female, robotic voice says. Hero and I look at each other, expectantly - I think. This is it. This is where it all starts. Where we start to fool the others and pretend we're together all for a sweet monetary prize. Which strangely I haven't thought about for the last few days. Weird.

"You ready?" He asks, slowly placing his hand in mine. Nerves wash over me, shivers run down my spine as I think about what's about to happen. But quickly, I realise I can't let the nerves get the best of me. And most importantly, I know I have Hero by my side, no matter what. He doesn't even sound nervous, he sounds confident and ready for what's ahead. I didn't expect to feel so panicked. But I can't let it get the better of me.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I reply, tightening my hand in his. We can do this. I know we can.

I stand from the bed first, followed by Hero who keeps his hand in mine. Inhaling, mustering all the confidence I have, I begin to lead us towards the door so we can head out and follow our first instruction. It's time to face the music.

Opening the door, Hero holds it clear for me before stepping through himself. My hand tightens in his as I hear others approaching the communal living area too. It's almost like we're dotted around the house in a circle, so everyone descends to the centre. Hero and I walk slowly, hand in hand, moving closer to the living area and see we're the third couple to arrive. Standing on the other side are two other couples, similar to us, hand in hand.

Slightly lower down, the long, white couch separates the two sides while cherry red bean bags lie dotted on the floor too. A large TV hangs in the middle of the wall, facing the couch. At least we'll have some connection to the outside, I suppose. Although I've no idea what TV channels have been tuned in. Probably nothing too revealing. The whole place has a real '90s vibe, it's different but for the foreseeable, this is our home.

We continue to wait for a few minutes, knowing the others are arriving. As they do, we greet them with a curt nod and smile. Neither of us wants to give anything away, all of us seem to be taking the same approach. Making this all the more difficult.

"Welcome, couples. Tonight, you'll be dining together to break the ice. Please head to the entrance you came in earlier and enjoy," the robotic voice says. A meal out would be nice. I'm starving and I know Hero is too. Perhaps we should have got some snacks or something before we arrived. But at least we'll be able to spend some time with the others. And maybe it'll make guessing whether we're talking to a real couple or a fake couple slightly easier.

Love At First Lie | Herophine FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz