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The day came when we graduated from the 104th Cadet Core. I placed in the top 3, just below Mikasa. The placements were, in order: Mikasa, me, Annie, Reiner, Bertold, Eren, Jean, Connie, Sasha, and Christa. We all stood in a line in front of the others outside in the cold while Shadis gave his speech. I'm low-key going to miss this—all the fights, the jokes, the weekly cadet tea—it was fun, but I'm glad to get out of here and continue what I came here for.

"That will be all, Congratulations everyone!" We all saluted Shadis one more time as he finished his speech and exited the grounds.

Everyone was congratulating each other as well as discussing their future plans. I just sat down on the step next to Mikasa, who was just standing next to me, observing everyone around.

"What are your plans, Y/N?" Christa came up to me.

"I'd like to join the survey corps." I spoke while holding my chin in my hands.

People turned their heads in surprise when those who overheard my response. I stood up, dusting my trousers, and noticed people staring at me.

"What?" I did a deadpan.

"Are you seriously that suicidal?" Jean spoke out while approaching me.

"You're still hooked on joining the MP's horse-face," I spoke out as I just stood there in the distance as he got closer.

"Yeah, cause I'm actually planning to survive in this world and not jump straight into the mouth of a titan."

"You know, jeaney boy, for someone who just pussyfoots around all the time, you're pretty ballsy."

"You're a maniac, you know; you sit alone all alone, but you're mentally insane," he yells directly into my face as all eyes turn to us.

"For what wanting to joint survey corps, HAHAHAHA, you gotta be joking right."

"No you completely are"

"Everyone has a reason behind their decision." Unlike you, I came in second in the top 10. I have the skills to do this; why waste them? And if you see a maniac here, point your finger at Mr. Kill all Titans over there, not at me.

"HEY!" shouted out in response from the sidelines, and I glanced over at Eren, giving him a small smirk, before turning back to Jean with a deadpan expression.

"Get over yourself Jean don't be yelling at me just because of your insecurities"

"I'm off to bed anyways, goodnight guys," I said as I brushed past Eren, signalling him to follow.

Was I actually tired? No
Did I want to fight anymore? No
Did I get bored? Yes

We walked out, followed by Armin and Mikasa. We walked through the cabin area and sat against one of the walls around the back of one of the cabins. I sat between Armin and Eren, with Mikasa on Eren's other side. We sat there like old times, looking up at the stars and enjoying each other's company.

"Getting a little deja vu, guys," I said, letting out a small laugh and a smile on my face.
I felt a small tug on my sleeve, prompting me to extend my hand for the other to take. The hand clutched mine, squeezing it slightly. I look away from the sky, down to at my hand holding on to someone's else, then up to the boy whose hand it is, big shining green eyes staring at me with tears lining his water line. When did this guy become so sentimental?
I looked at him, confused and concerned.

"I'm having some deja vu as well," Eren said, turning away from me and looking back up at the stars, still holding my hand. I, too, looked away back up at the stars, mesmerised just like how I was when I was younger.

"Just like the old days" Armin said

"Yeah, like the old days" I responded with a smile.

It's been a week since then. We were all assigned to assist in loading cannons and preparing equipment to take out titans if necessary. We were all assigned to a cannon in pairs to help clean and reload it.

I was sent to clean the cannons out with Connie. As we were doing so, we noticed potato girl approaching us with her hiding her hand under her jacket creating suspicion.

"Hey guys, look what I found" we all turned to face her to see Sasha with a wide grin on her face as she pulled out a stack of expensive meat hidden in her jacket.

Everyone face dropped at the sudden object pulled for Sasha pocket while I stood there, not surprise at all

"Sasha, seriously you're gonna get in serious trouble!" Connie yelled out towards her making her face change.

"Oh come on Connie, when we guys are finish I plan on slicing it for us all" a greedy grin appeared across her face as she opened a wooden box storing it out of the way.

"That does sound good," Connie exclaims, awestruck by the sound of nice, fresh, delicious, rich meat after a long day of cleaning. I simply zoned out due to a lack of interesting information to focus on. After a few seconds of conversation, I felt a nudge from Eren, which caused me to stop daydreaming. Sasha eventually finished hiding the meat out of sight so she could collect it later. She was then prompted to return to cleaning when a large, dark shadow obscured the sunlight.   I slowly turned around, revealing the Titan that had taken my home five years before. The Titan who killed my last surviving family member

The colossal titan

"OH SHIT" I yelled out

"GUYS THE COLOSSAL" someone spoke out from the sidelines

"Yeah, I think we have noticed that," I replied, still looking at the colossal Titan in front of me. I was ready to launch at it when a huge gust of wind knocked everyone off their feet, also cutting our vision short. I shot my gear into the wall to gain balance, holding on to the wall as I looked for-

"LET'S NOT WASTE TIME, USE YOUR ODM GEAR NOW!" the person I was searching for screamed out, heading straight at the colossal titan. Eren flew by in the direction of the colossal, leading me to launch my gear into the air.

I flew up to the top but became engulfed in the steam, unable to see, causing me to retreat back to the wall.

"EREN!" He came into view, but he just hovered above the wall. the smoke cleared giving me a view of the fields over head. Huh, it's gone. How could something so big disappear so quickly?

"EREN, DID YOU KILL IT?" someone yells as the rest reach the top of the wall

"No... It disappear, just like five years go. "One minute it's there next minute it's gone"

A sudden bang came from below, shaking the ground causing some of us to stumble over

"Fuck, what was that" I asked walking to the edge of the wall to be welcomed by titans wondering gracefully through the whole created by what i'm assuming was the colossal titan,

"Erm, guys we got a problem" I called out to them from behind as they walked closer to me leaning over to look at the giant whole in the wall.

"OH FUCK" Connie yelled out

Wall rose has been breached.

Hello guys:)
Finally getting some Titan action in

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋 - 𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now