Chapter 11

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A/N: I'm still having trouble with the Christmas chapter, but i managed to write this filler chapter so that you had something to read while you're waiting 😂

'We're home,' I yelled as I stepped into the foyer, my parents and sisters following behind me. It was the day before Christmas eve, and I had been to pick my parents up from the airport. 

They were supposed to come tomorrow, but Hugo wanted everyone to get a tree together. I was worried that it was too short notice, but Taylor assured me that she knew somewhere we would be able to get a decent Tree regardless of the fact there were only two days until Christmas. Everything had been a rush, and she had ended up hiring a professional holiday decorator to decorate the house. They'd done a fantastic job, though, and I was really feeling the holiday spirit. 

'Weird,' I said as I took off my coat and hung it on the coat rack. Usually, both Hugo and Taylor would come to greet me, one with a hug and the other to yell at me for yelling in the house, followed by a kiss which was totally worth the scolding. 

'I like how she's redecorated the place,' commented my mom as she looked around while taking off her coat. 

The house did look a lot different from when I lived here, but I felt like it fitted Taylor's personality much better now. 

'Me too,' agreed Kimby, 'It's giving me a cabin in the woods vibe.' 

I turned around to face them as I kicked off my boots. 'It was Joe's idea. I think it really suits her,' I informed them with a smile. 

'Oh, yeah. I forgot her boyfriend would be here. Awkward,' said Kariann without looking up from her phone, which she had been glued to the whole way here. 

'He's not her boyfriend,' I snapped while glaring at her before I snatched the phone from her hands, 'Taylor doesn't want any electronics present during Christmas.' I slipped her phone into my pocket as I ignored her affronted expression.   'Also, Joe is a great guy, and Hugo loves him. The four of us get on really well, so stop with the snide comments,' I told her, irritated that she had been here less than five minutes and she was already starting.  

Kariann rolled her eyes while muttering something under her breath that I didn't catch, but my dad clearly did. 'Kariann! I would like it very much if you would act your age for once,' He scolded her like she was a child, 'this is the first Christmas in nine years we get to spend together as a family. If you don't want to be part of that, then I'm sure Taylor will happily have her jet fly you back to LA. Is that what you want?'  

I couldn't stop the smirk that took over my lips at the shocked look on her face. Our dad very rarely raised his voice at us, but when he did, we knew he meant business. 'No, dad. I'm sorry,' She replied quietly, causing both Kimby and me to giggle while she threw us a dirty look. 

'Good,' said my dad, 'now let's go and find my grandson and daughter-in-law.' 

He started walking fast, and I had to jog a little to catch up with him. 'Um, dad. Can we not mention marriage, children or anything like that in front of Tay, please? She's a little sensitive about it since Hugo told her he wanted her to be his other mommy,' I told him, keeping my voice low so I wasn't overheard. 

'Noted,' He responded with a wink, 'but Karlie, kids say things like that all the time. It doesn't have to mean anything. When you were three, you wanted to marry me, and you cried for hours when we told you that daughters couldn't get married to their daddies.' 

His words caused a light blush of embarrassment to rise on my cheeks. 'Let's not mention that again either,' I responded with an awkward chuckle, 'I told her it probably didn't mean anything. But then Hugo drew her a picture, and he wrote our names and what relation we were to him, and under Taylor's, he wrote mama. Then when I tried to talk to her about it, she blew me off.' 

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