Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a typical Monday morning for Samuel Jones. He woke up at exactly seven am and was off to work at eight. The drive from his home to his office building only took twenty minutes so he is never late.

Samuel took the elevator to the third floor where his office is located. He is working as a private investigator. It was unexpected that he was looking for a job at the local police station when Henry - his boss - recruited him to be a private investigator instead. Samuel didn't have any problem with that and he was convinced by Henry that the pay will be great. So now here he is four years later a well renowned P.I.

There are only ten people working in their company. Henry, Samuel and four other private investigators, Henry's secretary, the auditor, and the two people who are in-charge of meeting the clients for the first time.

The floor was only for their company. The P.I.'s and the boss have their own office while the rest have cubicles. Samuel entered the door on the far left with his name glued on the top. Inside was a mahogany desk filled with papers and a computer, an office chair at the back of the sofa and two chairs at the front, a bookshelf at the left side loaded with hardbound books and a sofa on the right side.

The office looked bare but Samuel loves it. He likes that there is a space for him to move. He also admires the view outside his office which is directly in front of Central park. Usually, if Samuel's work is not loaded he takes his time watching the people below from his ceiling to floor window.

Samuel sat on his chair behind the desk and opened his computer. He needs to finish the report that he was going to pass today to Henry. It was a compilation of what happened during his last investigation about a lost artifact of a rich family. It was an easy investigation and the suspect who stole the artifact was immediately apprehended.

It was a protocol to P.I.'s in their company to submit a report so that there will be archived of the jobs done. It was also convenient because it can be a reference for future investigations that is under the same circumstances.

After an hour, Samuel was already finished with his report and was ready to print it when the phone on his desk rang. He picked it up instantly.

"Hello?" Samuel greeted through the phone.

"Samuel, my boy. How are you this morning?" He immediately recognized the voice as Henry.

"I'm good Henry, how 'bout you?" Samuel answered while stapling his report.

"I'm fine Sammy." He heard some shuffling on the other line. It seems like Henry is finding something on this paper filled desk.

"I am done with the report about the missing artifact that I investigated last week. I'll bring it at your office now."

"Great. I also need to talk to you about a new client that wants our help. I just need to find the file in my desk." Samuel then heard Henry screamed an 'Aha!' "I found it. Come to the office now and we'll talk."

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