First case

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"What do you have for us big John?"

A middle-aged man, brown hair and disheveled, with a huge glasses on top of the body that was above the bed, when he saw us he came out, and looked saying.

"Women in their 30s.

He selects himself for me, and one of the gloves extending

"Nice to meet you, I'm John, medical examiner."

"Nina, the pleasure is all mine."

After fulfilling John's greeting, I returned to the body, it was a woman in formal clothes, crumpled but she was well dressed.

"The clothes you know someone she's a prostitute, her arms are up, but she doesn't have ties on her arms, probably marks don't hold her wrists, possibly her fingernails have scratches or any other defensive wounds, Besides, I'm finding this blood on the sheet strange, it seems too little for her to have bled to death."

I approached, wanted to look closely at the body.

"The facades are unstable, and made seem to me after death, as it seemed to be common from the edges, she was being apparently common while she died, this is not like the kind of death, I'm passionate. And these facades here in the center very tempting, as if they were and irregular to take something out of."

I turned to George, I wanted to see what he thinks, but I only found him staring a little stunned, John was also staring at me slightly scared.

"What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, definitely not."

George while saying laughed and approached me.

"It's just that you already have the best aim in the precinct if you start solving cases just by looking at the body, it's going to start to get hard for the other cops. as my partner."

"It's just amazing."

John said as he started to prepare the body to take to the lab.

"Do you want to see something else, or can you take the body?"

"It's really impressive."

George how to say to me, as if admiring. Ask me if that was just about my speech.

"I think I finished it on the body, but I wanted to see this sheet up close."

"I'll pack it as evidence and you can take it to the station."

John spoke as he finished organizing his things.

"Let's interrogate some guests and take the sheet on the way out."

George told John, and then turned to me.

"Do you want to see anything else in the room? Or can we go interrogate?"

"We can go, I believe I've analyzed everything here."

I finished jotting down what I didn't want any notepad.

George lightly placed his hand on my back and led me out of the room, I felt his touch and reacted to it, I wasn't used to it, it was as if his warm hands lit me up. We talked to several guests without success, no one saw or heard anything, which was to be expected. The registration had been paid in cash and nameless, completely blank, she had no papers, we didn't know who she was, but I would find out.

On the way back to the police station we stopped for lunch at a regular restaurant, ordered the food and discussed the case a bit, when suddenly George got a call.

"No, not tonight, because you make these things up huh? It's okay, enjoy, I'll see you at the weekend. I love you too."

When I heard love you too, my heart froze, he probably had a wife or girlfriend, and I fantasized about him in my thoughts, maybe he was just kind and considerate, and I needed to deal with that. But the words came out of my mouth without me even thinking I was being nosy.

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