Unfortunately, Girls Do Not Come With Instruction Manuals.

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Seventeen let his fingers fly over the keyboard keys, clicking them so quickly that the computer was at least 14 seconds behind him in registering the keys clicked.

(Has anyone ever done that? Typed in something so quick when you stop typing you can see what you typed getting typed out? Yeah, a mouthful I know-)

After a moment, he jammed his USB in the opening again, overriding the firewalls and watching the screen load and process the information.

Honestly, the movies had it wrong. Half of hacking was just watching the computer load data.

"Eighteen, you should be able to head out that way, the window is unguarded, I'll delete the footage as soon as you get her out."

"10-4, bud. I had some issues getting her to trust me, but she's accepting the help."

"Tell her that I'm sorry for locking her in my cell."


"We've met before, I locked her in my cell when I left."

"Uh..okay? Erhm- He said he's sorry for locking you in his cell that one time."

"Sunday, it was Sunday."

"Oh-Sunday. On that one Sunday!"

Seventeen truly was remorseful about that, he did warn her though. She just ignored him.

"She said that you helping her out makes it even."

He snickered quietly, she had a sense of humor after all! He erased the footage, and once again called Eighteen, "I'm done getting rid of evidence, I'll wait here for you."

"On my way!"


Eighteen crept up behind her, lightly tapping her on the shoulder.

Fifteen had jumped and spun around to defend herself, but he quickly shushed her, "Shhh, I'm here to help you.."

She batted his hand away, suddenly clasping his fingers within hers, and with one fluid motion, flipping him over her shoulder and onto the floor, "How should I know if you are?" she murmured, standing over him and rolling her eyes.

Women are so confusing!

They get into trouble, get out of trouble, and the second you offer to help they act as if you're the one responsible.

He just wanted it to be over with.

"...Be~cause..." He pondered his answer, "I actually have no idea to get you to believe that."

She raised an eyebrow, "You with the agency?"

"What agency?"

"M.I.15. Are you with them?"


The girl hummed, "You didn't even try to spring at the chance to lie."

"B'cause I'm not a liar. Which is why you can trust me!" Eighteen tried to get up, but she quickly bent down and kicked his supporting arm out from under him, pressing him to the floor with her boot instead, the condescending look on her face never leaving for a single moment.

"You need to lie better than that to make me believe you."

"I'm not lying!..Well, figuratively..Actually no- Literally. No wait, I'm on the floor, so I am technically lying, but I'm telling the truth!"

Fifteen blinked, "..You're strange."

"I know, can I get up now?"

"No, I need the way out. Now."

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