You Never Know Terror Until A 7-Year-Old Catches You Stealing

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Twenty opened one eye to the noise, hugging his small plush dolphin closer to his body.

He didn't like loud noises, only the nice music his parents played were fun to hear..

He reached for his lamp and sighed contentedly when it turned on. He took his glasses from the nightstand and straightened them on his nose.

Must be time to get up.

He shuffled out of bed and slid his slippers on, yawning and stretching so he'd be fully awake, he took his dolphin with him. It was Show and Tell today at school, and he was going to show everyone his funny fish.

He crept to the bathroom so he could brush his teeth before his triplet brothers woke up, that way, they couldn't mess him up with their silly pranks before school.

Mum and Dad sure were quiet..

Twenty got dressed and went down the stairs, ready to leave whenever his parents were ready.

He walked to the kitchen and waited by the front door.

But then, more noises sounded from the livingroom, catching his attention.

He wasn't a big fan of going in there by himself at night, his brothers always told him about monsters that would take him away if they saw him in there.

As if he actually believed them!

Trying to prove to himself that he wasn't scared, the 7-year-old marched into the livingroom and bumped into a something.

Falling backwards with a muffled 'oomph', Twenty peered up at the now rigid figure standing above him.

He donned a cloak that covered his face, overlaying the black hoodie and sweatpants that went down to his ankles, his socks and shoes were also black, making the person in front of him look like a ninja. The sword he had strapped to his back didn't help his case.

Twenty felt like screaming, it must be one of those monsters! His brothers were actually right for once!

He scrambled to get up, but the figure whispered to him, "Wait!"

"..Wh-what do you want? I-I'm not tasty."

"T-tasty? Why would I...? Oh." The cloaked human leaned down and helped him up, albeit shakily, as if he were going out on a limb here even talking to him, "I'm not a monster."

"Th-then what are you?"

"Uh...I'm a normal person, just like you."

"Oh.." Twenty felt better now, people were nice and didn't eat other people, "Greetings, sorry for being rude, I-I was just scared sir."

He hoped his good manners would prevent the other from being upset with him for thinking he was a monster. Twenty would be kind of upset too if someone mistook him for a monster.

"No problem, o-okay.. Look, um..Don't tell anyone about what happened here- I don't want other people to hurt me."

"Hm? Why?"

"Okay..Uh.. Y'know when you tell someone a secret but you don't want anyone else to know?"


"Yeah, good. Okay. So I'm doing something right now, but I want you to keep it a secret."

"Okay." Twenty nodded, "..What are you doing?"

"Nothing much....I gotta go-"

His front door clicked open, causing the hooded figure to push him to the side and hold a finger to Twenty's mouth, pressing his lips together gently.

This obviously meant 'shush', which Twenty wasn't going to question.

"Hey, look- I don't have long. But you need to go back to bed, now. I've got some friends coming in and if they know you saw me, you're going to be in trouble. I don't want you to get hurt, you're a good kid, okay?"

He rested a hand on his hair, "Stay a good kid for me? Don't make bad choices.."

"Okay sir.." Twenty whispered, "When can I come out of my room?"

"When your mom wakes you up or something-"

"What are you doing ACS?!" A gruff voice called, "You should have found it by now!"

"I...uh..I did." The man held out the sword from earlier, "Here it is."

"Good, now c'mon, the boss wants it- Wait."

He harshly shoved ACS out of the way, catching sight of Twenty.

"You were seen!?" He curled his fists.

"He's gonna keep it a secret! Don't worry!"

Twenty nodded, mostly so the bigger man would stop glaring at him, "I promise."

"Oh yeah, and once his parents ask him he's gonna throw all common sense out the window for some people he JUST met!" He hissed.

"A secret is a s-secret." He whimpered, "I'm not telling on you."

"You'd better not!"

"Look, let's just go."

" know our code, No whats?"


"So, whaddya think he is?"

"A witness."


"He never did anything though! He might think it's a dream!"

"No Witnesses." The man grabbed Twenty's arm, prompting a small cry.

"W-wait! We don't need to get rid of him!"

"Why not?"

"Just..let him stay with me. Then I can breathe better, and you don't have to get your hands dirty."

"B-but I need to go to school." Twenty explained.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to a different school, a better school."

"Can my brothers come?"

" Just you."

"Oh. Okay...Can I still see them?"

"I'll explain everything later."

"Yes sir."

"Just call me..A Certain Someone."

"Your codename? Really?"

"Whaat? If I give him my real name we're both at risk."

"Whatever. He's yours."

A Certain Someone was clearly pleased, lifting Twenty up like his dad would and placing him on his back, "Hold on little buddy."

"Don't sound like such a big softie."

ACS just glared at him and looked back up to Twenty with glee, "We're gonna have fun together, I promise!"

Twenty looked back at his house, unable to understand what was really happening, "Okay!"

That was the last time he saw it.

And he never even learned his address.

Was the chapter a bit too dark?

I just wanted y'all to have a bit of insight into Twenty's past.

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