Chapter Four: Evil Arises! Kamen Rider Evil!

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{Episode Seven}

[Igarashi Tsuki]

Mr. Irabu, Sakura and I were in the common room. Ikki was behind the counter.

"Ikki-nii, can you come over here?" Sakura asked.

"It's important." I said.

"Huh? Sure." Ikki said, he came out, and came towards us.

"Look, see this?" Sakura asked, showing Ikki the image of the thieves. "Doesn't it look like a school jersey?" She asked.

"That cuts down the majority of the suspects that could be in the area." I said.

"So she says, so I look into things." Mr. Irabu said. "Those thieves are quick on their feet, right? So I had a look at nearby schools and colleges for their sports clubs and... Bingo! Same jersey." He said, showing us a picture of the students wearing the same jersey

"Oh! You're something else, Buu-san!" Ikki said.

"Ooshirami High School: it's a school for elite rich kids." Sakura said.

"Which means that school are only for the rich." I said.

"From which four gymnast boys were suspended last month." Mr. Irabu said, holding up information with the four suspended boys.

"One of the four must be our Deadman, then..." Ikki said, looking at the information. "Thanks." He thanked Mr. Irabu. "Seriously though, Buu-san. What's your day job?" He asked.

"About that..." Mr. Irabu said, he crossed his legs. "Not telling!" He said.

Ikki fell onto the coffee table.

Hiromi came in. "Is Igarashi Daiji here?" He asked.

"Oh- Hiromi-san! Thanks as always." Ikki said, standing up.

Sakura and I stood up.

"He's not home at the moment." Sakura said. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

"Not particularly, but something odd happened this morning." Hiromi said. He told us what happened when Daiji was at work.

"Drowsiness maybe, right?" Ikki asked, looking at me and Sakura.

"That's a bit rare for Dai-chan." Sakura said.

I nodded in agreement. "Dai-chan don't usually wear that kind of stuff." I said.

"I just hope I'm wrong." Hiromi said. "Sorry for bothering you." He said, and was about to leave, but his phone rang. "It's that thieves group, along with the Cheetah Deadman! Let's move!" He said, and left.

"Okay!" Ikki said, and went to follow Hiromi. He stopped at the entrance. "Ah- Sakura, Buu-san! Watch the house, thanks!" He said, and ran out.

"Okay!" Sakura said.

"Stay safe!" I said.


[3rd Person]

The sun was setting, Sakura and Tsuki were at karate practice. Lately Tsuki's Kyudo teacher has been cancelling on practice, so he came to karate practice instead.

Sakura and Tsuki were sparring with another student, each.

"Ah- My bad. You okay?" Sakura asked the student she was sparring with.

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