Chapter Sixteen: Last Day And Talks

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'Act Three'

—the last day and talks—

☆CHARTER SIXTEEN☆—the last day and talks—

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Crystal lays on the couch annoyed as Klaus leans up against the wall eyeing her

"So..let me get this straight" Crystal mutters

"Your my soulmate. Okay great. Your also trying to kill my friends...though you can kill Elena for all I care. And your refusing to share me as you like to put it with my other soulmate" Crystal says

"She's seems annoyed. Not surprised there. Nik is annoying" Rebekah says

"Shut up Rebekah" Klaus says

"Yes, exactly" Klaus nods sipping his burbourn

"Alright. One when I meet my other soulmate he or she will not die by your hands. Secondly hurt my friends or family I will kill you" Crystal tells him camly

"Are you making a deal with me?" Klaus asks amsued

"Kinda" Crystal nodd

"I'm not Elijah" Klaus says rolling his eyes

"I'm merely making sure you don't harm my friends. Now hush" Crystal says pushing her fingers to his lips

"Very well. Who are the people I can't kill?" Klaus asks and the redhead eyes him

"Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon and Jeremy. Oh, and my aunt Lexi when she visits" Crystal says and Klaus nods. Shouldn't be to hard then

Very well" Klaus nods


Damon is in his bed and hears Elijah's conversation with Elena and Stefan. He gets up, goes downstairs and joins them

"Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse" Elijah tells them

"Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus" Stefan asks confused

"Love the way none of you seem to care I'm gone" Crystal says

"Of course we do, Crystal" Damon says and Crystal smiles

"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it...He'll be a true hybrid" Elijah tells them as Damon joins him

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