Chapter Eleven: Unkillable

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'Act Three'


☆CHARTER ELEVEN☆-unkillable-

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"Me and you...are so going to get along amazingly!" Crystal tells Kol who grins

"I know, darling" Kol says smirking seeing his brothers jealously

Damon and Stefan walk down into the tomb and look at each other

"Let's do it" They grab the stone door; Damon taking the right side, Stefan taking the left

"1,2,3" They pull the stone door off the entrance of the tomb

"What are you two doing?" Hermione asks

"Killing Katherine, hopefully" Damon says

Damon and Stefan successfully remove the stone door from the entrance of the tomb. They place it to the side and approach the entrance

Stefan and Damon lean against the frame of the entrance, waiting for Katherine, who comes around the corner, looking hungry, blood all over her and half off her limbs still healing

"Please...come on in. There's plenty of room for all of us" Katherine says weakly, as the Salvatore brothers look wide eyes

"Do you like my work?" Crystal asks like a exited child waiting to be praised

"Absolutely amazing, little witch" Klaus says grinning and Crystal grins at him happily

"Ouch" Damon says wincing. He almost feels bad for her

"We're here for the moonstone" Stefan says. He really needs to talk to his daughter about not ripping people's limbs off with that chainsaw

"Um, no" Crystal shakes her head


"No, you are not getting rid of my baby" Crystals says glaring at many lool confused but dint say anything

"Feel like tossing it over?" Damon asks with a raised eyebrow

"Tell you what, you get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want" Katherine says smiling sweetly at them

"I thought you liked it in here. Nice and safe where Klaus can't get to you" Stefan says sarcastically

"I've had time to reconsider, realising it's not safe from your psychopath of a daughter" Katherine wispers the last part but they heard

"Oh, yes. You look horrible, what did she do to you?" Damon asks with a slight smrik ad Katherine flinchs remembering what the redhead did

"You should be proud dad" Crystal says smiling and Stefan sighs

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