Chapter Four: Founders Party

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'Act Two'

—founders party—

☆CHARTER FOUR☆—founders party—

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Crystal looks at her uncel with a raised eyebrow wondering why he's in her room

"What? I'm trying to find an outfit for the founders party later on" Crystal says with a raised eyebrow annoyed

"I'm hurt. You aren't still mad at me are you?" Damon asks and crystal scoffs

"I did forgive you but that was until you tried to make Caroline your play thing! Did your compulsion not work? Aww" Crystal coos and damon doesn't look at her

"She's fiesty. She's like a mixture between lily and the bloody devil" Remus mutters

"Lils you sure She's mine?" James asks and lily glares at him

"Yes I am James!" Lily says and chuckles are heard

"Well...atleats your son is like you" Sirius says

"Hey!" Harry yells and James pouts at his son

"What's wrong with that?" James asks
"Because you don't have a single drain sell" Lily says as if it's obvious and James looks at her offended

"Crystal..." Damon mutters but before he can say anything Crystal is already throwing him out with her magic slamming her door shut

"Learn the concaqunces uncel! I told you to leave my friends alone and then go after my bestfriend?! I don't care what plan you have but you aren't involving my friends!" Crystal yells angerily

"Badass" Davina mutters and the girls nod agreeing

"Yep. Crystal is very protective over the ones she loves" Bonnie says and Caroline nods at this while glaring at Damon who won't look at her or anyone at that feeling guilty


Crystal walks into the grill and looks around bored with nothing to do

"Cece!" The witch turns to see Jeremy grinning at her and she smiles walking up to him

"Hello jer" Crystal says sitting down beside him and smiles

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