Chapter Eight: The Tomb

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'Act Two'

—the tomb—

☆CHARTER EIGHT☆—the tomb—

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Crystal smiles at Bonnie as she opens the door to her home

"Cece, your here. Are you okay?" Bonnie asks and Crystal chuckles smiling

"Fine. You?" Crystal asks her friend who smiles

"I'm okay. Do you wanna come in? Grams is making tea" Bonnie says and Crystal chuckles

"Sure" Crystal says walking In. Bonnie closes the door and they both walk inside

"Annoying witchs" Kol mutters and Bonnie shots him a glare

"Wr are not Annoying. You're only saying that because we can rip your heart out with a snap if are fingers" Bonnie says and Kol gkare at her and she smiles

"Crystal, lovely to see you" Grams says and Crystal smiles

" too. Its been forever" Crystal tells her as she sits down with Bonnie

Grams fills up the cups with herbal tea before sitting down herself with the two teenage witchs

"How did you know where we
were?" Bonnie asks as she sips her tea and Crystal hums

"Many things can fuel a witchs power. Worry, anger. After Stefan told me that they had taken you, I had a lot of both" Grams tells the girls

"A simple locater spell was easy after that" Grams says and Bonnie smiles at her Grams

"Now child, why are you here?" Grams asks Crystal who sighs putting her tea down

"Nothing can get past you can they?" Crystal asks and Grams smiles at her softly

"You can't tell anyone. But you're the only witch I can come to" Crystal says and Grams nods as Crystal pulls up her sleeve and waves her hand over her wrist

"What is she doing?!" Klaus and Sirius asks at the same time worriedly

"Grams won't hurt her" Bonnie tells them. She knows Klaus won't be good the second they actually meet him but she can tell he'll love her friend

After Crystal rolls up her sleeve she reveals the two intialns on her wrist and Grams looks starled

" long have you had these?" Grams asks lightly taking the girls wrist

"Since a child. My father told me to cover it saying witchs will be after me...but people know" Crystal says and Grams nods

"You Father did the right think in saying to cover them. If witchs or anyone found out they'd kill you. And the fact that you have two is even more rare" Grams tells the young witch

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