It wasn't long before Perdana Putra was in sight. The only lights were the headlights of the truck, lighting up the night. All the trucks split to their respective spots. From a distance, the hammer and sickle flag flew high and mighty in place of where the Malaysian flag once flew. Aidan and Diana's division was a few miles away, same for the other divisions, this was to avoid detection. Through radio, the division leader managed to talk to Firdaus who gave all the divisions a countdown before starting the siege.

They started moving in, there was a  barbed wire barricade surrounding the Perdana Putra with guards walking around. Shots began to be heard which distracted the guards on Aidan and Diana's end and ease their way to penetrate the walls of defence. For the first time in 2 years, Putrajaya lit up in lights and sounds. As they entered the compound of the office, the division had to split, and Aidan realised that he would be split from Diana. He was worried, and he told Diana as they were about to be split into two different groups, one heading left, the other heading right. Diana hugged Aidan and assured him she will be alright.

Before Aidan could say more, Diana headed off into the battlefield. Aidan had no choice but to join in too with the group that was going right. For the first time in his entire life, Aidan stepped foot into the prime minister's office, of course, it was vandalised with spray paint defacing the walls and furniture tipped over but the hint of luxury was still there. As they walked, the group leader placed the bombs around the building. They were confronted by the communist as they began open firing, the group hid behind some furniture and returned fire.

The first few explosions were heard on the opposite side of the building. He was worried about Diana, but that was what got him motivated to fight more. The group pushed ahead until they met at the front entrance with the other divisions.
"What was that explosion for?" Muthu who was in the 3rd division asked, "it wasn't part of the plan!"
"Zombies started entering too, sir!" one of the soldiers shouted. Explosions were heard again as the left wing and right wing of the office collapsed over the zombies and dead bodies, but that couldn't slow them down, remember, zombies, are very violent at night. Aidan though was more worried about Diana.

Aidan looked among the sea of crowds of division members and finally caught sight of Diana who was talking to Felicia at the bottom of the curved staircase that is often sen in mansions that would lead to the second floor. 
"Diana!" Aidan called out as he headed in their direction. 
"Diana!" he called out once again to which she turned to him. She was excited to see him and stood up to hug him.

"Are you alright?" Aidan asked her as she looked up and down her.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I am alright," she said teasingly. They both chuckled.

Suddenly, another explosion was heard, this time was close to them which almost destroyed their eardrums. The explosion killed almost everyone, someone must have thrown a grenade into the crowd, must be one of the communist members. 2/3 of the division troops were killed. Aidan and the remaining troops shot the communist members who ambushed them and they were successful, only Muthu, Firdaus, Aidan, Diana and Felicia were left. The ambush really hit them hard.

"Where is June?" Aidan asked Felicia.
"I don't know," she replied, "We were divided at the beginning of the siege and I couldn't see her since."
"Let's not waste any more time," Muthu chimed in, "We have the leader of the communist in the main office. They began walking up the stairs, and surprisingly, the other members of the communist groups were killed. Firdaus bent down at one of their bodies and noticed that there was a cut across their neck. Their throat was slit. Was it suicide, Firdaus thought. Each body had the same cut, and they were lying in a pool of blood it was the same for every floor, leading up to the fourth floor.

They walked in the direction of the Prime Minister's office on the fourth floor, the dirty red carpet led to the office entrance which was a luxurious wooden door. On a count to three, they smashed into the office. To their surprise, it was empty, although trashed. Aidan sensed something was up, it felt unusually quiet. Aidan checked around the room and wandered off to another room.

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