' You have been tired for over one-and-a-half-moon now, it seems! ' Aemond exclaimed, ' And we've been here for five days, a week's turn, soon. I fear for you, it is not getting any better and I cannot stand to see you in this pain. '

' Right now?! ' Rhaenys exhaled, ' I am in pain because you will not quit nagging me, Aemond. Sleep. '

' No, ' Aemond told her, ' Or- yes, we will sleep, but then you will visit the maester in the morning Rhaenys, no more of this stalling. '

' I like it when you are angry, ' Rhaenys tried to tease, to get him in better spirits.

' Don't, ' Aemond told her seriously, ' Promise me, Rhaenys '

Well... What is the harm in seeing this damned maester?

Rhaenys already knew what he was to say...

Recommend me foods to eat, what to drink, perhaps hand me a few vile concoctions.

' Oh, alright, ' Rhaenys sighed.

' Goodnight, Rhaenys ' Aemond said.

Rhaenys woke quite late, usually she would be up before Aemond, yet there he was, already dressed and seated atop the edge of the bed.

' Good morining, my love, ' Aemond smiled.

' How long have you been sitting and staring at me like that? ' Rhaenys asked, raising an eyebrow.

' For a long amount of time ' Aemond said, moving closer to her as she sat up, ' You do look a vision ' he added.

' A fat cow of a vision, ' Rhaenys said and moved to rise, but Aemond held her still.

' No! ' Aemond shook his head sharply, fingers trailing down her neck to her breasts, ' You look beautiful, like a temptress sent to haunt me, ' he said, leaning down to kiss her neck.

' Ah, ' Rhaenys hissed as Aemond began fondling her breasts, ' That is strange, ' she murmured to herself.

' Are you alright? ' Aemond looked up at her.

' Yes, ' Rhaenys nodded, ' I am just sore, is all, ' she explained, cupping his face and placing a soft kiss on his lips, ' But now I must get dressed. '

' Mhm, ' Aemond stood up, offering an arm, swiftly pulling her close as Rhaenys accepted it, ' I shall leave you to it, ' Aemond whispered against her ear, placing a final kiss on the top of her head, ' Do not forget what you promised. '


When her father had informed Aemon and her months ago that, on the advice of his Lord Hand, he would allow noble suitors in the Red Keep, Alicent Targaryen would have loved to feed Lord Hand to Aemon's dragon Cannibal on the spot.

She couldn't completely avoid meeting some of the lord's for her and ladies for Aemon who were wandering through Red Keep, ladies wearing their best dresses and the brightest of smiles on their lips , undoubtedly hoping to accidentally run into Aemon.

Alicent was able to escape most of the ladies she came across with a short greeting and her quick step, not even giving the idea that she might stop to talk to them.

Only the ladies Cella Lannister, daughter of Alicent's uncle Aegon,  and Lyarra Stark managed, as Alicent had to admit, to position themselves cleverly enough in the hallway to make her to stop and have a short talk.

Lady Lyarra wore, as always, a bright blue dress with elaborate embroidery of wolf and a neckline so low that she would certainly have been reviled as a prostitute for it in other parts of the realm.

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