Chapter 46

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It was 05:50, the household was awoken unexpectedly. Everyone heard the shattering of glass and things thrown on the floor in the kitchen and living room on the ground floor. It was a dim, misty day and Steve took no time at all to hesitate and run downstairs to investigate.

There was a man, all in black, wrecking the kitchen. Was he looking for something? He was raiding the cupboards and smashing things all over the place. The window by the sink was shattered. Probably where he broke in. The criminal had shoulder length hair, long sleaves and... a metalic arm? The only person Steve knew with a metal arm was Bucky. It couldn't have been Bucky. Bucky was a good man.

Steve stepped closer to this man with caution. He was nearly close enough to grab him, when the man turned around and grabbed him. Steve saw this man. Steve was staring into blue eyes. There was anger, sadness and regret. Steve was sure of it. Steve regestered the face and he gulped. "B... Bucky? What are you doing here?"

The stranger turned emotion. he was filled with rage. "Who the hell is Bucky?" He held a knife over Steve.

"Bucky, it's me. Steve. Don't you remember?"

It was a second later, Steve's life flashed before him. He felt the pain in his chest. something had happened. He panted and fell to the ground. He knew it had happened. The stranger had brought the knife down into him. The man watched him. A mischivious grin over his face.

"I remember now. I'm Bucky." Bucky jumped out the window and left. Steve turned cold. He shut his eyes slowly and accepted his death.

Steve could see himself. Natasha appeared fron the stairs. She looked into the kitchen and saw her husband. He was laying there with a knife in his chest. Tears started streaming from her eyes and she screamed for help. The rest of the household came rushing down. They saw the fear in Natasha's face and they saw Steve too. Laying there peacefully. There was no sound. The only sound there was, was the sound of the air surculating. Natasha's heart had been torn apart. She cried more and more. Everyone comforted her. James was crying too. His father was dead. He regretted not doing things with his dad. Going on offered adventures, playing games with him and learning things his father could have taught him. It was now too late.

It was now noon. Everyone was quietly sitting in the living room. Steve's body had been taken away by the police to investigate. Someone was in the kitchen. Footsteps could be heard, walking all over the smashed glass and plates. The Avengers watched, holding their breaths. Bucky was back.

Bucky swiped up a gun and shot everyone in the room. He made his way up to Martha. He could hear her crying.

Suddenly, he woke up. It was now 00:03 in the morning and Steve couldn't sleep. Whenever he slept, he had terrible nightmares of his past. About Bucky. He decided to get up and get dressed to go to the training room.

He was walking up the stairs to get his blood pumping. He could hear a word being repeated; 'no'. He wanted to go and investigate, as he was only on the floor above his. He went along the corridor and saw a door. Like his room door. It must have been another room. He silently approached this door and listened in. The sounds were getting louder and suddenly, there was a small scream. Steve immediately unlocked the door with his identity card and ran in. He opened a door, the source of the noise and saw red on the bed. He thought it was blood, as he could not see in the dark very well. He pulled away the covers and there lay Natasha. He shook her shoulder, hoping she would wake up. She sure did. She quickly turned around, pushed Steve to the ground, straddled him and raised a fist.

"NAT IT'S ME, STEVE!" Steve panicked holding his hands out as defence.

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