Chapter 17

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Clint was the first to wake up in the morning. He got changed out of his PJs and went down to Steve's room. He used his identity card to unlock the door he went in and silently went into the bedroom. He found Natasha sleeping, being hugged tightly by her husband. Clint tapped Natasha and she woke up. She looked at him and whispered, "what are you doing? You shouldn't be here!" She was careful not to wake up Steve.

"I wanted to see you. Without Steve." Clint looked over at the sleeping soldier. Natasha gently pushed Steve's arms off her and got out of bed. She lead Clint to the living room and shut the bedroom door.

Clint sat on the sofa with Natasha and he started speaking. "Natasha. I still love you and I don't like the fact that you've married Steve."

"Well, I don't love you and you can't control my life. I love Steve and I don't think you should be interfering with what I do." She had a stern face and got up. "Get out. You should never have come here." She pointed at the door. Clint got up and left, shutting the door gently as he did so.

Natasha went back into the bedroom and shut the door. He stood there for a while. "Natalia, who was that?" Steve had a tired, mysterious voice.

"Oh, no one in particular. Just Clint." She sighed as she said his name.

"Come here." He said. As she sat on the bed next to him, she started crying. Steve sat up and gently pulled her so she was laying on him. He dried away the tears, stroked her hair and hushed his wife. "Don't cry. I love you and Clint won't change that." Steve put a hand on Natasha's chin. He kissed her gently and rested his chin on her head. He held her close to his chest and heard the front door open. Tony came into the bedroom. "Sorry guys, but I saw what happened. I heard Clint get up so I spied on him. Are you okay?" He put a comforting hand on Natasha's shoulder. Natasha nodded and relaxed her head to Steve's chest.

After half an hour, Tony stated, "I'm gonna go back now, before Pepper notices I'm gone." Tony smiled at them and left.

Natasha's phone rang and she checked who it was. The number was unknown, but Steve recognised it. The number was Bucky's new one. Natasha answered it. "Hello? Hi Bucky. Okay. Yep, bye." Natasha put down the phone and told Steve that he only called to tell her that he got a new number. Steve leaned on his arms and tilted his head back a little watching Natasha as she put her phone down and sat with him again. Steve let her lay on his legs and he smiled, happy that he finally had her for the rest of his life.

Natasha got up, went to the toilet, came back and sat on the bed with her head on a pillow. She checked her phone and Steve hid at the end of the bed on the floor. She put her phone down and took a deep breath. She stared at the ceiling, while Steve crept up on her. He grabbed Natasha's ankle softly and crawled onto the bed. Natasha watched him and grinned. "What are you doing Steve?" She giggled. Steve stayed silent, but laughed with her. He crawled over Natasha so that he was above her. He put his weight on his arms, which were in between Natasha's arms and her body. Steve had his 'dog tag' dangling in Natasha's face. She pulled it down slightly, making Steve's head go closer to hers. She ruffled Steve's hair with one hand and put the other hand on his shoulder. Steve bent down to kiss Natasha and rose up again. Natasha bit her bottom lip and looked into her husband's eyes.

Tony was watching Steve and Natasha from his room on CCTV. It was as if it were a TV program. Pepper came in and saw, "I don't think you should be watching them, Tony."

"We'll be fine as long as they don't find out." Tony kept his eyes on the screen.

At 14:00, the whole gang were on the 31st floor. They had already eaten their brunch and were not just chilling out.

Clint walked up to Steve. He stood in front of him and Natasha and said, "Steve, I'm really sorry for my behaviour around you. I guess I was just jealous of you and Nat. I promise that this will not happen again."

Steve replied with, "It's okay Clint. I kind of felt like I was rubbing it into your face. I'm sorry too." Steve got up and hugged Clint. They smiled at each other and Clint went away. Steve sat back down and put his arm around Natasha. She kissed his neck, then looked at her rings.

Tony, Pepper, Natasha and Steve were going out to town. They went to buy new phones, as they all had the iPhone 3. They bought the iPhone 5c, but Steve bought Natasha's. Tony went to get Steve and Natasha's rings polished, while the rest went to Starbucks to get coffee. They met up at the water fountain. Tony gave Steve and Natasha their rings back and Steve gave Tony his coffee. Steve and Natasha slipped their rings on and Tony took a long sip of his drink.

Of course, in local places, the Natasha, Tony and Steve had to wear disguises. Natasha was wearing a red shirt, a white jumper, navy blue jeans, a pair of sunglasses and black Converses. Tony was wearing a black shirt with a matching jacket, black jeans and boots. Steve was wearing the outfit he bought in LA. Steve and Natasha walked through town holding hands and Tony had his arm around Pepper.

Steve bought Natasha the hobbit book series. As he paid for it, the person at the till saw his face. "Aren't you... Steve Rogers?" He asked.

"Yes, but keep your voice down." Steve replied. He gave the money to the man.

"Is that ring part of your disguise?" He asked. Steve lied and nodded his head. He left with the books and caught up with the other three in the car. He got in, shut the door, did up his seatbelt and gave Natasha the books. She looked at them for a while. "Who are these for?" She asked.

"You." Steve patted the books and smiled.

Tony drove them back to the tower and they went up the lift to the 31st floor. They got out of the lift, took their jackets and jumpers off, before getting comfortable on the sofa.

"How was your trip guys?" Bruce asked.

"Pretty cool. I was buying Natasha some bookes and I paid for them when someone at the till knew who I was and saw the ring. He asked if it was part on my disguise, so I nodded." Steve remarked.

"Ha, gullible people." Bruce said as he walked off.

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