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I turned in my sleep when my brother, who's supposed to be bugging someone else, kept shaking me. "Stop." I groggily said through my pillow. "Nads. Get your monsters inc. Pajamas off and get ready. Did you forget our field trip?" He asked and I sat up. We go to school together and today is our field trip. "And Jarvis is downstairs, probably eating the left over lasagna." I rolled my eyes. Jarvis is my boyfriend, my brother's name is Will, a very popular name. He's a year older than me, he's eighteen. Do the math. I'm Nadine Chung, my dad's a half Chinese but he's more on the american side. Jarvis is also my age, I have a dog named Max, and a mother named Rosie. We kept joking about the movie that was made for her, you know. Love, Rosie?

Feeling awake, I finally stood up and got ready for the field trip which is an hour away. I can hear my family laughing downstairs, probably Jarvis pulling another joke. Shaking my head, I looked around my room full of creepy pictures of house or an old lady near a house. Majority of my pictures are houses, like, the creepy, old ones. I love photography, I carry my camera around and this field trip is perfect for the creepy woods we're going in. Excited, I rushed taking a shower and wearing my eyeliner and drying my hair. I wore my gray skinny jeans, my converse and my black long sleeved shirt. I pulled my sleeves up to my elbows as I put some bracelets on. "Nads we're running late!" I placed my phone, earphones and camera in my bag and ran downstairs. "I'm ready."

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