Michonne - candy bar

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Word count: 470
Season 3

Walkers surrounded me as I fired my gun at them. The barn was on fire, and everything was ruined. The dead, faster then to my liking, crept closer and closer to me and the familiar click of an empty gun ringed in my ears. 'Shit' I cursed under my breath, pulling my pocketknife out.

Walkers where all over me. One rather overweight walker fell over me, smacking me to the ground. Claws ripped into me, and pain flowed through my body. I felt teeth sink into my neck and I screamed out in pain.

I jolted up, panting heavily.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay" a soothing voice echoed. A hand swiped my forehead, wiping the sweat off. Her index finger and thumb connected at my chin, lifting my head up to meet her eyes.

"It was just a nightmare." She whispered, and I nodded. She laid beside me and pulled the blanket over us both. One of her arms snaked around my waist, and the other cupped the back of my head. At first I tensed, not used to her being the touchy type, but quickly relaxed into her hold.

"Go back to sleep. It's okay." She whispered.


The following day I realised that Michonne had been on watch all night, without waking me up to switch. I do appreciate it, but she sometimes forgets that she's not a robot, and that she also needs sleep. She sat a bit further away besides the fire we lit last night.

"Hey there." I smiled as I walked over to her.

"Morning sleepyhead." She smiled, her dark circles under her eyes even more noticeable than normal. I sat beside her and fished out a candy bar from my backpack. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows before stretching over to grab it from me. I quickly snatched me hand away before she got it.

"Uh-uh. Too slow, sweetie." I teased. She gave me an annoyed look and scooted closer to me before attempting again. And again I flung my arm back over my head. She still came for the candy bar, so she fell down, with one leg on each side of me, straddling me, and her arms holding mine above my head. I fell straight on my back with a grunt.

She looked at me for a second before smiling and pressed her lips to mine. I instantly kissed her back, wrapping my free arm around her waist. Her hands tangled in my hair as she continued to kiss me. I dropped the candy bar, and used my other hand to undo the zipper of my jacket.

Then suddenly she jumped of me and grabbed the bar. She quickly stood up laughing.

"Who's the slow one now, sweetie?" She mocked. I laughed and laid my head back down to the ground.

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