Story Time

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Stiles stares at the ceiling of his bedroom as he chews on his pen. His mind is wandering again but he can't be blamed. There is after all, a werewolf with questionable morals still out and about in their town. Sure, he's supposedly reformed but what if the smallest thing will result in him falling off the metaphorical wagon?

Really, he'll be doing everyone a favor if he keeps an eye on the man, but he can't do that from his bedroom. He may have learned some hacking from Danny but he's not good enough to follow the wolf using cameras. "On foot it is," he mumbles.

The first time he follows the wolf nothing exciting happens and Stiles doesn't know why he's disappointed by that fact. This is a good thing. He just expected more from the former killer. Oh well. It's just day one.

The next five times he follows the wolf prove to be just as unproductive. It's grating on his nerves and again he doesn't understand why. Is his life really so unfulfilling that he needs the wolf to fuck up? Stiles refuses to answer his own question as the answer is so so so sad.

Almost a week after his first time following the wolf he watches as the man enters the local library. Now, Stiles knows the man loves to read but today is a special day. Everyone knows that the library holds Story Time for the children on Saturday afternoons. So, Stiles hurrying in after the man is completely reasonable. He did wait like ten minutes before going in just to hide his obvious stalking. It's not stalking it's–okay it's stalking but it's for a good cause.

He sneaks past the front desk and turns the corner but what he sees has him rooted to the spot. There in the Reading Room at the front holding the book for Story Time is Peter freaking Hale. What bizarro twilight zone otherworldly alternate universe is he in? First Peter is reading and it's to children but not just reading. Oh no. No, he's doing voices. What is even happening right now?

Stiles should really turn around and like leave but he just can't. The kids are so engaged, and the voices Peter is doing make the story so real. It makes his chest feel tight because he hasn't attended a story time since his mother died and they never had anyone who could do voices.

Before he knows what he's doing, he is lowering himself to the ground and hugging his knees to his chest as he listens. It just gets better when he realizes that Peter is reading the Chronicles of Narnia. Stiles, like the children, is in awe and eats it up. The wolf's voice is soothing, and the characters come to life with each word he reads.


"There's something sticking into my back," said Peter.
"And isn't it cold?" said Susan.

"Now that you mention it, it is cold," said Peter, "and hang it all, it's wet too. What's the matter with this place? I'm sitting on something wet. It's getting wetter every minute." He struggled to his feet.

"Let's get out," said Edmund, "they've gone."

"O-o-oh!" said Susan suddenly, and everyone asked her what was the matter.

"I'm sitting against a tree," said Susan, "and look! It's getting light – over there."

"By Jove, you're right," said Peter, "and look there – and there. It's trees all round. And this wet stuff is snow. Why, I do believe we've got into Lucy's wood after all."

And now there was no mistaking it and all four children stood blinking in the daylight of a winter day. Behind them were coats hanging on pegs, in front of them were snow-covered trees.


The amber eyed man doesn't know how much time has passed as he was so engrossed in the story but soon Peter has finished and smiles at the children. "Now because you all were so well behaved and listened, I've asked the librarian to schedule a time for us to watch the movie."

The children cheer and to Stiles's shock all of them hug Peter before leaving with their parents. He doesn't know what to make of any of this. Pretty soon it's just him and Peter left as the sound of voices fades.

"You know if you wanted me to read to you, Stiles darling, all you had to do was ask," the wolf teases and glances over.

Stiles's cheeks twinge pink and he huffs. Slowly he gets to his feet and crosses his arms. Despite how much the idea sends a rush of warmth through him–he hasn't been read to in years–he doesn't let it show on his face. "Well, I haven't asked so obviously I don't want you to read to me."

Peter quirks a brow and smirks. "You know what I just heard? Your heart skipped over the words I don't want. Lying isn't a good look for you but by all means do as you please. Also, perhaps you should take a course on stealth. Nearly a week of tailing and I knew you were there."

Stiles makes fists and glares at the wolf. "I wasn't tailing you." He frowns. "If you knew I was there, why didn't you say anything?"

"And deprive you of your only source of entertainment? Now that would be cruel," the wolf says with mock outrage. "I'd never be cruel to you Stiles."

The amber eyed boy snorts. "Okay. Whatever."

Peter sighs and gets the next book out for the story time for the children eight and under. "I've told you, I like you, Stiles."

Stiles doesn't know what to do with that and he doesn't know what possesses him to say what he says next. "Can I stay?"

The wolf hides an almost amused smile. "I don't know. You're a little big for an eight year old."
Stiles tilts his head and wets his lips. "Then I'll come back next week."

Peter tilts his head. "Or..." he trails off searching the other man's face. "You could go for coffee with me, and I'll read whatever you'd like to hear."

The sincere and earnest expression on the wolf's face makes Stiles's heart begin to gallop. He knows he's blushing, but he nods. "O-Okay. What about The Hobbit?"

"I'll bring a copy just for you."

Stiles shakes his head. "No. I have a copy. I'll bring it."

Their eyes lock and Stiles finds it almost impossible to look away, but it can't be helped when a group of kids come in and all eagerly greet Peter with huge smiles on their faces. Stiles feels like he's intruding and quickly books it out of there.

He leans against the library wall and takes several deep breaths. Did he really just agree to let Peter read to him? Did Peter really offer to take him for coffee? Is it like a date or just like two acquaintances getting coffee together? Why did Peter make the offer?
His phone vibrates and he pulls it out, unable to keep the smile and flush from his face.

From Creeperwolf: I'm free tomorrow afternoon, sweetheart. Meet me at Beacon Mill around noon and I'll read to you.

To Creeperwolf: I'm not your sweetheart but I'll see you then.

From Creeperwolf: You are. You just don't realize it yet.

To Creeperwolf: Whatever you say. 🙂

Stiles pockets his phone, shoves his hands into his pockets and hurries home. He has a date–not date–to get ready for. He really does have a copy on his shelf, and he doesn't know why he offered to bring it. Maybe it's because it's the last book his mother read to him and has her handwriting it or maybe it's because listening to Peter read brought him back to that mindset of being a child. How it felt to curl up in bed and hear about dragons, elves, hobbits, goblins, wizards and fall asleep to a soothing voice.
If the thought flits through his mind that maybe one day Peter will read him a story in bed, well that's between him and himself.

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