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SCOUT SAT at the lunch table, talking about the talents show tomorrow with her friends. nini was nervous because she entered but didn't have a song that was finished, and scout was nervous because of kaylee's reaction to hers.

"nini, why don't you come over tonight and you and i could finish that song of yours?" scout asked randomly.

"oh my god really?"

"yeah! i've got a ton of ideas that don't really fit my style." scout admitted. nini grabbed her and hugged her tightly which made emily, scout, ricky all laugh.

"thank you! thank you! thank you!"

"it's no prob neeners." scout smiled brightly, looking around for kaylee. "have any of you seen my girlfriend?"

"not since this morning in bio." emily mumbled, stabbing her salad.

"em... what do you know?" ricky asked, eyeing her.

"just whispers, might wanna check the library scout." she spat. scout looked at her confused before she shot up and left the cafeteria quickly. she made her way to the library with her heart racing, anxious as to what she'd find when she got there. she opened the doors quietly and looked around until she saw a sight that make her heartbreak in her chest. there was her girlfriend getting fucked on the table by kyle daniels, in a secluded part of the library. scout choked back a sob and ran as fast as she could out of the library, heading towards the bathroom with the sudden urge to throw up everything she'd barely eaten in the past two days. she heaved over the toilet as all of her insides came out, sobs now fully wracking her body.

"are you oka- scout?!" regina called as she opened the stall door. she knelt down next to scout and held her hair back as the brunette continued to throw up the contents in her stomach, rubbing her back soothingly. once scout was done she flushed the toilet and leaned back on the stall wall, fully crying now. "scout what's wrong?" regina asked as she grabbed her hand.

"sh-she fucki-ing in the, the library." she couldn't even make a coherent sentence because she was crying so hard. it wasn't even kaylee cheating on her that hurt the most, it was the fact that every girl she's ever said i love you to has done this. they say it, they have sex, and then she ends up getting cheated on. except regina because they weren't together, but it still hurt the same.

"is she still there?" regina asked, her nose flaring with anger. scout nodded which made regina stand up, she was going to rip kaylee gray to shreds.

"wait!" scout called, grabbing regina's arm. "stay, please?" scout begged. regina sighed and sat back down next to her. scout laid her head on regina's shoulder, and regina grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "why does this always happen to me?" she asked to no one in particular.

"what do you mean?" regina asked softly, turning to see scout's bloodshot eyes.

"i tell a girl i love her, and then she fucking cheats on me, or finds someone else. every damn time. is it because there's something wrong with me?"

"scout no, it's because we're stupid girls who aren't good enough for you. especially me." scout shook her head and started to cry again. "scout i l-"

"don't do that." scout sniffed.

"do what?"

"don't apologize. we weren't dating and i shouldn't have got attached so quick. i've been fucking horrible to you, and i'm sorry for that." scout apologized, looking at the ground.

"scout no, i am sorry. i lead you on, even if i didn't mean to i did, and i feel terrible."

"can you get emily and ricky for me please?" scout asked, not wanting to talk about their past anymore. regina nodded and pulled out her phone, texting the help groupchat.

ricky bowen
nini sr
emily henderson
regina george

emergency in the bathroom, scout needs yall

on our way.

regina sat there for a few minutes with scout, in complete awkward silence until the bathroom door swung open.

"hey s," emily greeted sadly. scout practically jumped up and ran into emily's arms, crying even more. "what happened?" scout looked to regina to fill them in because she knew she wouldn't be able to say it again.

"she walked in on kyle and kaylee fucking in the library. and i'm going to fucking kill her." regina stated angrily.

"i'm in." ricky agreed.

"let's kick this bitches ass!" nini yelled as the three of them ran out of the bathroom. scout untangled herself from emily's arms and tan after them.

"gina!" she yelled out, making the three of them stop in her tracks. "thank you, i've been an asshole but you were still there for me, no questions asked." scout thanked as she leaned up and kissed the blonde's cheek.

"anytime scout." regina told her before her, ricky, and nini headed to the library.

"there's going to be bloodshed isn't there?" emily asked as she joined her best friend in the hall.

"oh probably." scout shrugged.

"wanna get out of here?" emily asked, grabbing her best friends hand.

"please." scout answered as they both headed towards the front of the school.

"okay, so i like what we have so far and luckily for you with recent events i have the first verse." scout told nini as they sat in the music room of the basement of the samules house.

"alright hit me." nini told her excitedly. scout moved over to the piano and started the intro they'd come up with together.

"brown guilty eyes, and little white lies
yeah, i played dumb but i always knew
that you'd talked to her, maybe did even worse
i kept quiet so i could keep you." scout sang, making nini's eyes tear up a bit. "and then we go in with the 'ain't it funny' part, what do you think?"

"i think it's perfect!"

"really?" scout asked sheepishly.

"yes! that was amazing!" nini cheered, hugging scout tightly.

"okay, let's get this bridge out of the way." scout replied just as excitedly as they started brainstorming ideas.

1032 words... and they're back! well not really but they don't hate each other :))

sorry for the lack of updating, it's exam szn so i've been focusing on school🫠

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