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SCOUT SIGHED as she sat across from emily, ricky, and nini at the cafeteria table. kaylee was nowhere to be seen again.

"she said he was just looking at something in her car for her, i believe her!"

"you shouldn't!" emily yelled at her. 

"emily she's your friend, you literally introduced us! shouldn't you trust her?"

"i would if i didn't know her and kyle has history." emily countered.

"scout think about it, all this SAT prep, she hasn't sat with us in two weeks, and she's dipped out on your plans four times." ricky added.

"s, we're juniors. why does she even need SAT prep?" nini countered.

"regina did it too.." scout's voice faltered off as she thought about it. "i trust my girlfriend." she snapped as she got up and left the cafeteria. regina looked at them and went to stand up too but emily shook her head. the blonde sat back down and frowned.

"what's wrong baby?" aaron asked as he sat down.

"just the whole scout thing, she believed kaylee." regina sighed, making karen, and cady look at her confused. "what?"

"why do you even care? i thought you guys hated each other." cady asked.

"she cares because she's dating her brother, and no one deserves to get cheated on." gretchen stated, jumping into the conversation.

'thank you' regina mouthed to her, making the brunette nod her head.

"that's sweet of you baby." aaron told her, making regina smile sadly.

scout laid in her bed with kaylee sleeping on her chest, she thought about what her friends had said earlier and while they were right she refused to believe that she trusted another person who let her down. she hummed along to the song she was performing next week, she knew that kaylee might be upset if she knew that the song was about regina, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. right?

scout was content and happy with her relationship, despite the rumours and the gut feeling that everyone was right. even if kaylee did kiss kyle it's not like she was going to do it again, not like alison who swore she'd stop until scout walked in on her.

"hey baby, i got you some medicine cause you've been si-" scout stopped as she saw a guy naked on her girlfriend. "what the fuck?"

"i would say it's not what it looks like, but it is. you just don't do it for me anymore scout." alison stated, making the guy laugh. scout threw the medicine on the ground, the bottle shattered and the medicine went all over the walls. "what the hell scout."

"you promised!" she yelled out.

"well i lied." scout turned on her heel and ran out, tears falling down her face.

scout felt something wet on her cheeks and wiped her eyes, not even noticing that she was crying.

"you okay?" a voice whispered from the door frame. scout's head shot up as she made eye contact with regina, who was looking at her with a frown.

"i'm fine." she mumbled. "aaron! can you tell your girlfriend to please stop perving on me!" she yelled out, not caring if she woke kaylee or not. aaron came up the stairs and wrapped his arm around regina.

"she's just being nice and checking on you. chill out." he stated before dragging regina away. scout flipped her off behind her back, and turned to kaylee who was now awake and snickering.

"sorry, didn't mean to wake you." scout said sheepishly.

"it's okay, that was really funny," kaylee told her. "it's probably a good thing though because i do have to go meet kyle for prep." she said as she stretched and got up.

"noooo." scout whined as she got up after her.

"i'm sorry baby." kaylee pouted as she threw on her shirt. scout pushed her against the door and kissed her sweetly, making kaylee smile. scout's hands made their way up her shirt, and her lips made their way down the brunette's neck sucking harshly right in the middle. "scout what the hell?" kaylee questioned as she pushed her away.

"what? i can't kiss my girlfriend?" scout asked, making kaylee scoff.

"i told you no hickeys."

"right, i'm sorry..." scout apologized as she backed up.

"just don't do it again." kaylee snapped before putting her jeans on, grabbing her bag, and leaving angrily. scout signed and ran her hand through her hair. she definitely shouldn't have done that, it was moment of jealousy and possessiveness that passed through her. scout shook it off and picked up the new shirt her and emily had picked out the other day, and some joggers and put them on. she headed downstairs because she really wanted some mac n cheese, like she'd been craving it for the past few days but with work and band practice she didn't have time to make any.

"hey." regina greeted as scout made her way into the kitchen. the brunette ignored her as she grabbed out her supplies and the box of annie's mac n cheese from the pantry. "whatcha doing?" regina asked, again scout ignored her and continued to prep.

"hey baby, what are you doing?" rachel asked her daughter as she walked into the kitchen.

"making mac n cheese." she stated as she turned on the burner.

"new shirt?" regina commented. scout once again ignored her. rachel looked at regina sympathetically before parroting her question.

"yep, em and i went shopping for talent show outfits." scout answered her mom.

"ooh are you performing?" regina asked excitedly. she was ignored again, which made her frown.

"you're preforming?" rachel asked, scout nodded and dumped her shells into the pot, stirring the water.

"yeah, i'm preforming a song i wrote a while ago." she stated numbly. regina finally walked away, and rachel automatically turned to her daughter.

"honey, you can't ignore her forever." she sighed.

"i can sure as hell try." scout grumbled.

"does she know your feelings?"

"does she care?" scout countered.

"i think she does yes." rachel's confirmed.

"she has a funny way of showing it." scout breathed out as she gripped the counter.

"have you been taking your meds?"

"yes, mom i've been taking my crazy pills." scout huffed.

"honey, you aren't crazy. many people have anxiety." scout just rolled her eyes as she continued to make her mac n cheese. "i love you baby." rachel told her as she kissed her head.

"did he?" scout asked, her voice cracking slightly at the mention of her father.

"yeah he did."

"mom?" scout called, making her mom look at her. "was it my fault that he left? because i'm a freak." scout mumbled, looking down.

"honey no. and you aren't a freak." rachel told her daughter, her heart breaking as she pulled her into her arms. "your father and i just didn't work, it wasn't because of you, or aaron and adam."

"but they aren't freaks mom! i am!" scout yelled out, tears now cascading down her face.

"scout thea samuels, you are not a freak! you hear me? you are my daughter, my babygirl, you are the one who makes me laugh the hardest. sure you drive me crazy sometimes but i wouldn't change it for anything in this world." rachel told her daughter as she hugged her tightly.

"thank you mama," scout sniffled. "shit my mac n cheese!" she yelled as the water started overflowing. both women laughed as scout strained the noodles.

"i love you baby, never forget that."

"i love you too ma."

1258 words, that was fucking wholesome. fuck mr. samuels deadbeat mf

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