We've Come A Long Way

Start from the beginning

Kelly glanced over at Stella as she picked up the bags to take to the car.

"Hey, I'll do that." He took the bags out of her hands.

"Stop fussing over me, babe." Stella shook her head at him. "I"m fine. I swear." She placed a hand on his cheek, running her thumb under his eye, wishing she could erase that haunted look from his face. Kelly smiled at her, a smile that told her a thousand things but mostly how much he was in love with her. He brushed his lips against hers wondering what he could do to make this up to her.

It was dark still when Kelly locked the cabin door, the rickety old lock that had stuck when they had arrived several hours earlier, still struggling to conform.

They got into the Mustang, the rear window still covered with the ' just married' sticky notes, reminding them that they did still have something to celebrate. Kelly looked across at Stella who had snuggled down into the seat and covered herself with a blanket closing her eyes. Reaching over her, he reclined her seat into a more comfortable position and tucked the blanket around her, kissing her forehead. She was clearly shattered. It had been one hell of a day one way or the other.


The neon lights were visible from a distance, guiding him towards his destination. He glanced over at his wife..... it felt odd thinking of her as his wife.... but a really nice odd. Stella was fast asleep, one hand curled into the blanket, her wedding ring sitting proudly on her finger. Kelly thought how much he liked seeing the band on her finger, and his. He pulled into a parking space and turned the engine off, really hoping that Stella would be happily surprised by where they were.

"Hey..... Stella..... babe, wake up." He gently stroked her cheek, hearing her murmur something unintelligible.

Stella shifted in the seat, her eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Hey." Kelly kissed her lips gently.

"Are we home?" Stella straightened, looking outside.

"Not quite." Kelly chuckled waiting for her to register where they were.

"W...wh..... what are we doing here?!" Stella shrieked, throwing off the blanket, recognizing the bright-colored lights.

"I thought you might like it. My way of saying sorry for ruining our wedding night."

Stella laughed out loud, the sound a gurgle of delight. "Did I tell you how much I love you?!" She leaned over and threw her arms around Kelly's neck, planting a huge kiss on his mouth, one hand holding his cheek.

"Yeah......but you can tell me again." Kelly loved seeing her joy. Nothing about Stella was complicated. No games, no nothing. She wore her heart on her sleeve and wasn't scared to show it.

They got out of the car and Stella took a moment to look up at the Harlow grill sign, her own smile lighting up the night sky just as it had those years ago when she had persuaded Kelly to stop here on the way back from Springfield.
She hooked her arm in his thinking she couldn't think of a more perfect place to be right now as they headed in, Stella already telling him which shake or shakes she was going to have and also which ones he should!

The diner was virtually empty at 2am with a few tired drivers taking a break, and a small group of teens staying out later than they probably should. The waitress looked half asleep but managed a cheerful smile as they walked in.

"Need a menu ma'am?" She asked Stella who shook her head.

"No, thanks. I'll take an oreo shake please....... and my husband..........." Stella turned towards Kelly with a happy smile, as she said the word husband.

"Her husband will take a Vanilla, please." Kelly finished for her.

After the trauma of the night it was almost impossible that they were sitting in the Harlow diner, teasing each other. It was exactly what they had both needed.

"Can you believe how much has happened since we last came here?"
Stella faced Kelly, holding his hand.

"We've come a long way." He agreed.

"Did you ever think that night this is where we'd be one day?" Stella's thoughts travelled back five years and to that night when he had forfeited a dinner event with Grissom in favor of drinking milkshakes with her.

Anytime you need someone to support you, I'm your girl.

"Yeah." He replied simply.

"What?!" She looked shocked. They had been best friends back then although they had had some previous sexual history between them. But she had privately admitted to herself at the time that she had been totally in love with him and had been for a long time.

"I knew I wanted to be with you. I just didn't know what to do about it."

Stella was open-mouthed at his quiet confession.

"I hated being just your friend." He carried on twirling his straw around his glass. "When you were dating Hasmet Zac, I used to watch the clock till you got home, pissed in case you stayed the night with him or worried you might bring him back to the Loft. Why do you think I talked you into that charity fundraiser that night."

Kelly was sitting on his stool, laughing at her expression.

" You're kidding me......"

"Nope. I swear... I just can't believe I'm confessing this all to you." Kelly shrugged sheepishly.

The waitress put the milkshakes down in front of them stopping Stella from interrogating Kelly further.

"You could have just told me and saved us both a lot of time." Stella rolled her eyes at him, slurping her milkshake, her eyes closing with delight.
Kelly took his spoon and fed her some of his shake getting some all around her mouth. Stella licked her lips, not noticing how Kelly was watching her enraptured.

"God, this is heaven." She breathed.

Kelly was thinking the same thing but not about the milkshake. Suddenly he really wanted to get his wife home and finish what they had started on the cabin floor.

Stella looked up from her shake and saw the way the blue of his eyes had turned darker. A warm heat flooded her, making her blood rush. She pushed her milkshake away and got up holding out her hand.

"Wanna go home and make out?"

Kelly laughed and got up from his stool not needing a second invitation, grabbing some money from his wallet and leaving it on the counter.

"See you again, soon." The waitress called out, picking up the generous tip.

What a cute couple she thought watching enviously as the beautiful, blue eyed man put his arm around his wife and pulled her against him, his lips brushing her temple.

Both Kelly and Stella turned around towards the waitress and waved at her with big smiles.

"See you soon."



Keep the faith.❤️

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