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At the moment , School work in Professor Lupins classroom has been really frustrating. For some reason , DADAs class and work has not been processing through my mind. I've got straight A's in every other class But DADA . Professor Lupin obviously knew my struggles so he assigned me a tutor.

Hermione and I sat in the library during our lunch break. It was quiet while we studied together. "hermione.." I whispered, Poking her arm. "Yes Y/n?" She responded. She turned her face to mine instead of looking at her book. "Are you my DADA tutor?" I asked gently, Trying my best not to get in trouble from being too loud by the paintings or possibly Filch. "No sorry- I would've loved to be though - Won't you find out later?" She added , returning her focus back to the books. "Yeah I guess" I sighed and leaned my head on my hands to read My books.

Hours past and school ended. I looked at the piece of paper that Professor Lupin gave me. It had the dorm number of my tutor. My books in  my tote shook as I walked up the steps to the Slytherin commonrooms. When I arrived at the common room I looked around. Marcus Flint walked up to me. "What are you doing here" he asked me . "Tutoring, Do you know where Dorm 666 is?" I told, Looking back at the paper. "Boys Dorms, to the right" . I nodded as a thank you and walked to my tutors dorm. As I walked I heard Marcus and his friends giggling about me.

Right before I entered their room I knocked 5 times . "Come in!" a muffled masculine voice yelled from inside the room. I opened the door to see a large dorm with black walls and expensive looking decor. "Over here dumbass" a voice yelled at me. I turned around to see Draco Malfoy sitting on a chair next to his desk. I knew who he was but I never actually talked to him before, Unless I was defending My friends.

"Don't call me that Malfoy" I warned as I walked over to him. "I can call you whatever the hell i want , Sweetheart" he smirked . I rolled my eyes and ignored his teasing. "Lets just get this over with, I need help with the names and how to do Section 8s Spells" . He turned to face his desk and reached for his parchment that had Section 8s task on it.

After breifly glancing at it for a second he moved his body to face me. "Are you just gonna stand the whole time?" He scoffed , His hand gestured to the second chair in his room. I took a seat next to the desk and placed both my elbows on his desk. He then proceeded to explain Section 8 to me with a tone of Annoyance. Over that time period I had no idea what he was talking about. All of his words went through one ear and out the other.

"Do you get it?" He asked , turning his head to face me. I did not understand at all. "... Yeah" I lied , not wanting to seem stupid infront of him. He pulled my chair closer to him with just one hand. He then lifted my chin so I could look him in the eyes. "I'm not an Idiot, But i'm pretty sure you are, Do you understand what I just told you or not?" He asked looking into my eyes. I shook my head to tell him I don't get it. "Thats what I thought" He let go of my face and grabbed his pencil. I was still sitting really close to him. My legs were in between his.

"What Do you not get?" He scoffed, Glacing at me for a quick second. "I just can't remember the spells" I muttered, Slightly embarrassed. While he thought I stared at his hands. His clenched fists with one snake ring on his ring finger. "I've got An idea but I'm not sure it'll work" he ran his fingers through his hair , Making me lose my focus on him. "Lets hear it Malfoy" I smiled gently.

Before I knew it Draco leaned in to kiss me. His hands grabbed my hands while his face was so close to mine. He pulled away slowly. "First ones called 'Sectumsempra', That spell causes cuts and pain" He smirked at me. My mind was still processing what just happened. "..O-okay" I stuttered. "When you retake the test think about how I kissed you, then you'll remember the spell. This methods called Mnemonics" He informed me .I just nodded and stared at the ground. "Doesn't that mean you have to something as ... memorable for the other spells?" I asked . "Thats exactly what I plan on doing".

Finally the day I spent Days study for with Draco came by. The day of the test. On the way to Professor Lupins class I thought about my tutor . We've kissed in almost every session but he's never actually taken me out . In fact when we see eachother in the hallway he usually just smirks or winks at me, As if i'm just some sort of secret.

I finally arrived at the classroom. Water flew down my throat as I took a big gulp from my water bottle. Before I sat down I shook my mind to get rid of all the useless information. "Ready y/n?"Lupin asked from his desk. "Yes Professor" I responded neverously. He used a spell to turn over a magic hourglass. Alright, lets get his over with.

With every question I thought about the times I spent with Malfoy.

'1. What does the Sectumseptra spell do?'

My mind wandered to the first time he kissed me. He told me 'causes cuts and pain'. Before i knew it I quickly jotted it down onto the parchment . A gentle smile appeared on my face , Not only because I was proud of my answer but also because of the memory.

The time flew past as I wrote down the answers that were related to the memories. His actions varied from , names he would call me, staring into my eyes Etc. after an hour a loud ringing noise blared from Lupins Desk. "I hope you're confident of your answers" He smiled as my paper floated over to him. My heart started racing as Lupin graded it, I didn't want to let him down - ever since he joined Hogwarts I've always felt safe around him, As if He was some sort of Father Figure.

The ticking from the clock echoed in my empty head. My eyes glued to the floor while I leaned my head on my arms. My knee pouncing up and down quickly. My heart beating as fast as it could. If I don't do well on this test I'm failing DADA for the semester. I picked my skin with my finger nails.

After what seemed like an eternity, Professor Lupin walked over to me with a frown.

Oh no.

He slid the parchment over to me on my desk . My hand was shaking as I reached for the test. I slowly flipped the test over to see a red 2 digit number at the top right hand corner of the page. '95'. A sigh escaped from my lips while the rest of my body recovered from my mini panic attack. "Well done Miss Y/L/N, I'm Extremely proud of your improvement" His frown turned into a grin.

"Thank you Professor" I responded with gentle smile. "Dismissed" he added. i stood up from my seat and exited the classroom with the test in one of my free hands . Outside waiting for me was Draco Malfoy , Leaning on the wall next to the door. "Hi ferret" i greeted him with a small wave. "Hello Darling" he said , fixing his posture from the wall. He held out his hand. I placed the test on his hand . A smirk appeared on his face while he stared at the results. "You wouldn't of gotten these results without me" he told me, lowering his hand as he looked at me.

"Whatever happened to 'good job'?" I scoffed. "Good girl" . Chills scattered down my spine as  butterflies entered my stomach. "C'mon, I'll treat you to dinner" he smiled ,grabbing my wrist. I nodded . We started walking through the hall . I had no idea where I was going but as long I as I was with Malfoy I was happy.

Word count: 1419
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Hey guys , new story just dropped , it's called ' Eddie ( the freak ) my love ' .

Go check it out, my friend 

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# Mentallyinducedcoma

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