20. Hufflepuff Party

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5th Year



The party music was so loud that I could hear it even before I entered the Commonrooms. Every Hufflepuff was celebrating our Win in the most recent Quiditch game. The floor even shook from all of the dancing. I waited outside for Draco , my Crush , to show up to the party. I invited him to the party and He said he would come but I guess he Isn't . My hands were behind my back and I looked Left and right, impatiently waiting for A tall Blonde to walk up to me with his signature smile. But , He was nowhere to be seen. My heart started to ache and a lump in my throat started to form. I  shouldn't let this ruin my night , there are tons of other boys that I can dance with. 

My dress Swished as I turned around and entered the common room and straight into the party. There were colourful Lights And people smushed into every centimetre of the room Dancing or Drinking. I squeezed in between people and tried my best to get to the Alcohol As soon as possible . There were Gryffindors, Ravenclaw and Slytherins that snuck into our party. As soon as I got close enough to the table full of Red solo cups, snacks and drinks , I poured myself a tall glass of God knows what. Whatever it was, It burned my throat as It went down.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice Said . They had to yell over the music and talking but It sounded quiet to me . "Cedric?" I yelled back as I saw the tall Brunette walk over to me. He took my drink from my hand and placed it on the table without one hand. "You should Slow down on the Drinking, You just  got here" Cedric smiled . He glanced down at my dress and looked back at me , this time focusing on my eyes. "I'm late, I gotta catch up " I chuckled, Trying to ignore the eye contact. 

A few rumours have gone around that Diggory 'likes' me. Honestly , I wouldn't be surprised. He's always acted different around me , A good different but I consider him a friend. Always have, Always will. "I just don't want you to get sick" He said while Watching me take another big sip from the Cup. "How's Cho?" I asked, Reminding him about his girlfriend. Cedric instantly snapped back into reality and Seemed a bit Guilty talking about her. "Cho's good, She couldn't make it to the party, Studying" He sighed . 

I nodded and listened to him talk. In the corner of my eye I see Luna and Blaise waiting for me to walk over to them. They're in a quieter spot of the party. "I'll see you In a bit Cedric " I said quickly so that I could get over to the Others. "Oh okay". Luna was smiling and holding Blaises hand. Blaise had an arm wrapped around Luna and a drink in that hand. The party got quieter and quieter as I walked over to them. "Hey Luna , Blaise have you seen Draco, He said he'd meet me-" I started to ask Blaise but he cut me off after Chugging his drink down. "Whatever happened to Hi, Hello, How are you" he scoffed. 

" *sigh* hello Blaise , Do you know where Draco -" of course he had to cut me off again. "I don't know" . I rolled my eyes and Took a sip from my drink . Everybody around was dancing to The music. Some kids were making out next to the walls. I expected Draco to be standing Literally anywhere, With a drink in his hand and a smirk. We're not dating or anything but I really want us to. We've been on 3  Dates but Haven't put a label on it. "Y/n" Luna snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. I snapped out of my thoughts . "You're doing that that thing again" Blaise looked at me as If I'm about to just scream at him . 

"I'll see you around" I walked off without letting them say their byes. My Footsteps matched up with the beat of the music. The red plastic cups on the ground clattered around the ground but Nobody would ever be able to hear it over the music. I took another sip of my drink to realise it was empty. Must've drank the whole thing already. And so, I went on my way back to the drink table. After that, I was back there again. And again.and again. And again. 

My head was banging and my throat hurt from drinking so much. Almost everybody had left  except the People that had fallen asleep on the floor , furniture or duck taped to the wall. I layed on the ground , Completly Buzzed , and kept drinking . I'm way too drunk to walk properally to my room and when There's no one around to  help me i'm practically glued to the ground. I blinked my eyes and yawned , About to fall asleep on this dirty, sticky ground. 

My brain went Empty for a second and right then was when I was about to fall asleep. Until I heard Malfoys voice . "Took ya long enough" I said with a slur. "How many drinks have you had?" Draco asked , taking my cup out of my hand. He smelt it and squinted his eyes from the smell. " uhhhh sixtyyyyyyy ninneee?" I laughed. At this point there is no saving me from saying something Idiotic. "Come on, Lets get you to Bed" He groaned and pick me up from the ground by my hands. 

Draco Pulled me up from the ground from my hands and helped me steady myself while standing. I managed to stand for long enough until I stumbled into his arms. "Why don't I just Carry you" he sighed . "Noooooooo, I can do this" I stretched my words. The world felt like it was spinning around me. Draco Moved away from me to give me some space to walk but still held onto me to prevent me from falling. One foot in front of the other and Together, we slowly made our way to My dorm. 

"Good job, C'mon keep walking" he smiled . "Where were you Draco" I whined.  While We walked, He kicked away the Rubbish to Prevent me from falling. "I'm sorry, something came up" He actually sounded sorry. " what is it your Death eater-" I started to say but he covered my mouth with his hand. "It wasn't what you think, I had homework and Detention" He groaned. "Emkay" . We walked in silence for a bit . After some time we reached my dorm. "You drank way too much Y/n" He Chuckled at my State. 

"No shit Sherlock, I'm pretty sure I can tell" I snorted. Honestly, If Draco was Super wasted and I had to help him back to his dorm I would 100% hang shit on him as well. He opened the door for me and helped me in. My friends were Sound asleep so they wouldn't be able to hear Draco Come in. "Why Dont you like me Draco" I said. While I'm drunk I might as well spill the beans . It's not like I'm going to remember this. 

"what do you mean of Course I like you" He assured me. "That's not what I meannnn" I frowned as he Got a makeup wipe to get rid of my smudged makeup. "Why dont you want to be my  boyfriend " I said  after he got rid of  my lipstick. He stopped Wiping my face and looked and at me . "What makes you think that?" He asked with a slight chuckle. "Because you haven't asked me" . It was so silent that you could practically hear Crickets chirping from Outside. 

"You're so wasted" he Changed the topic. That made me so bothered. "I know I'm drunk but Answer the question" I started to raise my voice. "Shh.. Why don't I just ask you now then " he cupped my cheek with his hand. Thats all it took for my heart to beat faster than it did before and for butterflies to suddenly appear. Honestly I couldn't tell if I was About to throw up or just plain nervous. "Y/n y/l/n, Will you be my Girlfriend?" . A smile crept on my face as he finished that question. 

"Of course Malfoy" I moved my face in closer to his. Then , He kissed me. The stars aligned and you could hear the faint music still playing from the common room. It was so perfect. So good that I couldn't help but giggle . He pulled away for a breath. "What's so Funny?" he Raised an eyebrow . "Nothin" I smiled. Then , Another one (DJ KHALED). It was just as perfect as the first one. I pulled away this time. "Get to sleep Y/n".


Word count : 1524

Thanks for reading.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬❤︎Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu