1. The courtyard Tree

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Draco and I were sitting underneath the tree in the courtyard. We were working on a group project but Adrien didn't show up. Its awkward...Ever since day 1 Draco and I have been bullying and teasing each other.

"Aren't you going to help? You've been sitting there doing nothing this whole time, Merlins beard you're useless" he complained. I sighed. "What do you want me to do then?".

He slid one of the books over to me. "Look, through that and tell me if it says anything about the ingredients of Amortentia". I closely examined the book and flicked through the pages.

"Thats not reading you idiot!"He yelled at me , Snatching the book from my grasp. "Don't call me an Idiot!" i shot back. "Have you ever read before?!" He glared at me, Clenching his fists.

I snatched the book back and started flicking through the pages again just to infuriate him. He muttered curse words under his breath and continued writing.

One particular page caught my eye. It had a large font on it that read of 'How to brew Amortentia'.

"Aha, My Method worked, The ingredients of Amortentia are
6 Ashwinder eggs, 7 Rose thorns , 7 Peppermints , 7 Powdered Moonstones , 8 Pearl Dusts and 9 Rose Petals. And you said I couldn't read Malfoy" I teased.

"Mind repeating that? I couldn't hear what you just said because I usually tune you out" Draco commented. I gave him a snarky look and threw the open book at him.

He smirked and wrote down the ingredients. It was silent again. I tapped my finger on my leg repeatedly. "I can't beleive Adrien ditched us" I grumbled. "He wouldn't of helped anyway, I might as well just be doing this entire project by myself" He Spat .

"Hey! I literally just helped" I yelled . I looked at him to see him writing. He stayed silent. "You spelt Ashwinder wrong" I pointed out. He suddenly turned his head to face me. "Are you aware that you're freakishly annoying or do you do it unknowingly?" He responded.

I leaned my back against the tree and crossed my arms. "Thats the snartest thing you've done this whole session, now just sit there and don't say anything"he insisted, a smile crawling on his face. " Like 5 minutes ago You Bloody asked me to help and now you want me to sit still and look pretty?!" I questioned , My face getting hot with Anger.

"I never asked you to look pretty" He chuckled and looked at me. "And yet I still do it anyway" I smiled and tilted my head a bit. "Don't flatter yourself princess".


Did He just call me Princess?

I was too stunned to speak. I sat quietly in shock and hugged my knees. He looked over to me and smirked. "So now you're quiet?". I let go of my legs and knelt instead of sitting. "Are you kidding Malfoy?! You tell me to help then you tell me not to Help , then you Tell me to be quiet and then you"I yelled until Draco cut me off by leaning in to kiss me.

My eyes were wide open in shock . It lasted a good 10 seconds. He pulled away and I was still frozen. "Hush up now, I need to finish this project" He returned to writing. I continued kneeling and stared at the ground, Processing what just happened.

What just happened?"


Hey guys , new story just dropped , it's called ' Eddie ( the freak ) my love ' . 

Go  check it out, my friend 

Collared with the story . 

# Fire

# Mentallyinducedcoma

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