Chapter Eleven | Sands of Time

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After dinner Barns ordered his staff members for a meeting. All except for Henry, who had became sort of my body guard. We met up in the library so he could answer my many questions. To which, he answered. When Barns told me he needed to find out who his true friend were, he wasn't lying. A lot of people had hurt him in the past. All he wanted was to move on and find his people. People who truly loved him for who he is and help him grow.

"Then along came Malik," Henry said. "He told Barns he could give him everything he wanted, but of course there was a catch. Barns got caught up with meditation and various rituals. Malik said he needed to be reborn to reach his full potential." Henry added as he poured himself a glass of whiskey. "What happened?" I asked curiously. "The fool went along with him. They entered an astral plane where Barns left his earthly body behind. He's mostly the same, except he has a charm and charisma that no one can resist. Not that he wasn't those things before, but still... he hasn't been the same Barns..." He drifted off.

"And... these rituals are doing what exactly?" I asked. I admitted to seeing one take place last night. Although I wasn't sure what the hell I was actually witnessing. "It's how he keeps his new found powers. Charming enough to have a wild tiger eating out of his hand. Plus he has some ability to heal minor wounds and ailments." He replied. "But... why did he make this camp? What's the purpose of  it?" I asked. "That was Malik's idea. Apparently he needed to find the perfect sacrifice for the final ritual." He said, looking at me with sympathy.

"Me." I said. I wasn't sure why I had to be the one that was chosen. But I had a feeling it was because I could enter the astral plane alongside Barns. A long moment of silence washed over us. He finished his glass of whiskey and stared into it. I glanced around wondering if there was something we could do to stop Malik. "When is the ritual supposed to take place?" I asked quietly, breaking the silence. "In October during the harvest moon." He said, glancing up at me.

His gray eyes were full of sympathy, worry, and regret. I asked him about the missing camp members. The last of my long list of questions. Malik had been killing people on each full moon, unbeknownst to Barns. The staff knew Malik was practicing rituals of his own, but we're to afraid to say anything. Another long moment of silence passed. This one much longer than the first. I quietly got up and walked around the library. Glancing at the many book spines that filled the shelves.

A few of them caught my attention. I grabbed them and placed them on the table. "Henry, could you have someone get me a notebook and some pens?" I asked, breaking the silence. He looked at me with a questioning look. "Of course, whatever you need." He said as he rose from his seat and walked over to a telephone. "Oh, and make sure to brew some coffee... lots and lots of coffee." I said. A hopeful glimmer of home shone in his eyes. I wasn't sure if I would be able to find a solution to our problem, but I was going to try.

Hours passed as I read through thick leather bound books. All of them on meditation, spiritual rituals, and even the occult. Around one two o'clock in the morning I decided to call it a night. When I walked up to Barns's bedroom it was empty. I figured he was busy with meetings after what Malik had said to him. So I went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I was finished I got ready for bed. I had to take medicine for my cramps, because they started to bother me.

I climbed into bed but I didn't go to sleep. I laid there and turned everything over in mind. I had until October to figure something out. I had a feeling that Malik wanted me for a ritual that was going to benefit him. This whole thing was never intended to help Barns as all. I could feel that in my bones, and that thought kept me awake until five in the morning.

• • •

Weeks passed and I spent most of my time reading books. But I still attended each activity and lesson. I read during my free time and during meals. Baily and Eva kept asking me questions, but I wasn't able to answer them. I didn't want them to know what was happening. After lunch I decided to go to my cabin to read. I wasn't really interested in the activity taking place anyway. Henry accompanied me although I didn't talk too much. I mostly read and took notes. He was helping supply the books I asked for.

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