"Where's the rest of the family?" You ask surprised to see they're not here,

"This agreement is between me and you, your family harbors a lot of resentment towards what happened so I am going above them to ensure your family benefits from this agreement." He says and you nod,

"Okay, if you'll read along with me we can get started." You watch as he reaches over and turns on a tape recorder,

"It is August 22nd, in the year 2022 time of recording is 1:27pm, this discussion will be taped for legality purposes. Ms, (Firstname) Alexander do you agree for this to be recorded?" He asked

"Yes, I do." You say

"And do you verify that you are currently not under any duress or influence and are of sound mind?" He asked

"Yes, I am able and of sound mind." You say,

"The contract and agreement reads as follows: upon the union of Ms.(Yourname) Alexander and Mr.Walter De Ville, the estranged Alexander's (Mothers name) and (Fathers name) and descendants will be hereby entitled to financial and business compensation for not only the years estranged but also will receive equal pay out and equity from now until the family in unable to supply their end of the original agreement." He reads

"Do you agree with the following terms?" He asks

"I do." You say

"Is there anything you would like to add?" He asks

"No." You say and he nods,

"I, Walter De Ville, am now signing the agreement of my own free will and understanding." He says as he signs

"I, (Yourname) Alexander, am also signing this agreement of my own free will and understanding." You say as you sign, once you set the pen down Walt checks his watch,

"That concludes this recording, Date is August 22, 2022 and the time is now 1:40pm." He says before clicking the button off,

Walt turns to you with a smile,

"Thank you, I'm glad we were both able to agree. I'll show you to your room." He says as he opens the door, the two of you walk in silence towards your room, once there he opens the door for you and ushers you inside, you gasp at the room infront of you,

The walls are a deep purple color, a four poster bed sits in the middle with a luxurious comforter, you see a full sized wardrobe and vanity, there's also a connecting bathroom and a big, beautiful window with curtains that match the pale blue comforter.

"This is beautiful, it's like the size of my apartment." You say in awe as you look up at the chandelier, you look to see Walt leaning against the wall with a smile on his face,

"I'll let you get settled for a moment and then I'll be sending in Lucy and Viktoria they will be able to tell you some things you need to know about becoming my wife." He says as he walks up to you, he gently places a finger under your chin to make you look up at him before he places a soft kiss on your forehead and leaving the room,

You turn and begin unpacking your suitcase, you wondered when the rest of your things would arrive as you hung up some of your clothes in the wardrobe and placed the stuffed animal you brought on the bed, you begin looking for good places to hide your little stuff when a soft knock comes on your door,

"Come in!" You say, you watch as the door pushes open to reveal two women, one was a short blonde with soft features, and a bright smile. The other had dark hair and sharp features with beautiful bright red lipstick, you smiled at them as they walked in.

"I'm Lucy, it's so nice to meet you finally!" The blonde says as she pulls you in for a hug, you let out a small squeak before hugging her back, you look at the taller woman who is eyeing you up and down, she looks nervous her arms crossed over her body in a serious way, you pull away from Lucy and focus your attention on the other woman,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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