Burnin for you

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You smiled at the flight attendant warmly as you boarded the plane, Oliver had came and woken you up an hour before the flight, you at first were confused before he lead you through the back ways of the airport, apparently rich and powerful people don't have to go through TSA and are the first to board the plane, who would've guessed.

"Walt is very excited to meet you." Oliver says excitedly,

"When will my parents be there?" You asked quietly,

"They will arrive the day before the wedding." He answered quickly and you nod,

"I'm going to sleep, wake me up when we land please." You say before reclining your seat and snuggling up with the blanket you brought,

You truthfully didn't sleep much but you did pretend to sleep as much as you possibly could, in reality you were mentally mourning your entire life. Your job, your home, your car, your hobbies, and your lifestyle was now turned upside down. You had dreamt your life of your wedding day and now even that was being stripped from you, but it was worth it, for your parents who worked their entire lives away to raise you. These thoughts circled your head for hours.

You heard the stewardess over the intercom announce the landing, you pretended to be woken up by the loud announcement as you prepared to land, everything moved so fast and next thing you knew you were standing infront of the manor,

"Ah, (Yourname), this is your future husband, Walter De Ville." Oliver said as he directed you to a handsome man with slicked-backed black hair and piercing blue eyes, Walt gave you a warm smile and took your hand before gently kissing your knuckles,

"Please, call me Walt. I will do my best to get to know you over the upcoming days in between wedding planning, if there is anything you want let me know." He says warmly, for a moment you're taken off guard by how normal he is, he's handsome and charming and caring or so he seems to be,

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I was told we would be discussing my family here soon." You say as nice and calm as you can as someone walking into being stripped of their life,

"Ah, yes, we will go over that. I am more than happy to welcome your family back, it's a very admirable thing you are doing." Walt says, his eyes reflect sympathy as if he was capable of feeling but you highly doubt he is,

"In fact, why don't we go ahead and discuss that while your bags are being taken to your room, please come." He says as he motions you into his home, you follow him as best as you can while you admire the beautiful furniture and artwork that adorn the walls, you notice that it smells like cookie and smile to yourself, Walt seems to notice you looking around and he slows his walking pace, lightly guiding you while giving you plenty of time to look,

"I will have Mrs.Smith give you a tour here soon, afterall you need to know your way around your own home." Walt says, you stop and stare at him, this was your home, he was so open to showing you all he had to offer.

Walt noticed your look and he gave you a soft smile,

"I dont know what you've heard but I can assure you that you will be treasured." He says as he gently takes your hands in his, giving them a light, comforting squeeze as he does,

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to just be so welcoming and kind." You say honestly and he chuckles lightly, before guiding you the rest of the way to the conference room, once you're in you see a big, empty table, Walt takes his seat and motions for you to sit next to him so you do,

"I had my lawyers draw up this contract, I will recite the agreement as you read so you will be able to know what you're signing before you do so," Walt says,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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