Chapter 6

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Veronica's POV

Papers were done and all the studying was kinda done, so I decided to go to the gym. I was not a big gym person, but I liked to go from time to time to let some steam off.

So I put on a sports bra, some leggings, my hair up in a ponytail, and headed to the gym.

"Don't forget your water bottle" Jo screamed from the sofa.

Again, what would I do without her?

I jogged on my way to the gym to warm up a little and then I picked one of the empty machines to start my workout. My "let's get shit done" playlist was working particularly well today.

I moved around the gym, trying to put all my muscles to work before I found an empty space where I could stretch for a second.

And then, I saw him.

Declan was lifting weights. Yes. The most attractive man I've ever seen in my life, who also happened to be my professor and who had kind of broken my heart, was lifting weights in front of me. He usually wore jeans and smart shirts to class, but he was now wearing shorts and a white shirt that stuck to his sweaty chest. I think I forgot how to breathe.

Ok, right. I needed to move and stop staring at him. But I also had to walk past him to go to the only empty machine in the whole gym.

Just breathe, Veronica. Walk fast and don't look at him. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Well, that went well.

"Yeah... oh, hi. I didn't see you there!" I lied. I mean, at least my blush was not that noticeable since I was already red from working out.

He looked from my head to my toes twice before forcing himself to look away. Wait, was he checking me out?

"I didn't know you came to the gym, I've never seen you here" he said.

"Yeah, uh... I don't. Often. I just had some free time and thought it'd be good to clear my mind." Funny, it was working until I saw him. "I can tell you come here often though... I mean. You know, muscles." What am I talking about?

"These? Yeah, I guess" he laughed while flexing his arms, which gave me a clearer view of how massive those biceps were.

He's trying to kill me.

"Right, I was just leaving so... have a good time working out."

The smile fell off his face and he bit his lip.

"Don't go!" he said while he grabbed my arm.


Declan's POV

Why am I holding her arm?

"Sorry" I said as I dropped her arm. "I just wanted to ask you if you were ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you know. There are a lot of assignments due this week and tests. So I just... I just wondered if you were doing ok."

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking" she said while she looked at the door. She really doesn't want to spend any time with me.

"Veronica, you know you can come to me whenever you need help, right?"

"Can I?" she said bitterly.

So I hurt her. Great job, Declan. I felt like I needed to find the right words right now if I didn't want to lose her.

"Yes, you can. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel otherwise. I... " I struggled. "Come have some coffee with me and we can talk. Outside of campus. Please."

Veronica stared at me for what felt like hours before she agreed.

"Ok. Let me shower first, though".

My laugh shook my entire body. I was so relieved she agreed to talk to me.

We exchanged numbers and decided on a place where we could meet. After that, I went home to shower and get ready for our... meeting? Date?

I don't know what this is, and I shouldn't think too much about it.

I didn't want to look like I had tried too much but I also really wanted to look good for her. So I decided on some black jeans and a nice black fitted short-sleeve t-shirt. I was not an idiot, I saw the way she looked at my arms at the gym.

Once I was ready, I sat on the sofa and petted my cat, Winnie. She was definitely going to leave white fur all over my black outfit but oh well... The life of a cat dad.

I took my phone out of my pocket to text Mason. Apparently, I had to send him an update every ten minutes.

What does he think is going to happen? Well, probably what you hope will happen, you idiot. What am I doing?

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