Chapter 3

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   I quickly made my way down to the library. Durning this time Nuala usually is spending time with Abe. I walk up to the doors and listen for a moment to see if she's even there. I heard a small laugh as Abe was trying to make  small talk. I knocked as I opened the door hoping that I wasn't interrupting too badly.
   "Oh! (Y/N)! Yes come in, come in!" Abe waved me over to them. I closed the door behind me as I walked to meet them over in what I believed was the Scientology section.
    "Hey Abe, hello Nuala." She smiled and put the book she was looking at back on the shelf.
    "What is it that you needed?" She had turned to me completely. She had a nach for knowing when I was looking for her. Either that- or her brother always told her I was coming. Abe had stepped away seeing as I was looking for Nuala.
    "I'll be over in the History section Nua." He called out softly to her. She waved at him with a sweet smile. I cleared my throat and moved the med kit I was hading behind me to the front of me.
    "Oh (Y/N)..." she looked at me and gave me a understanding look. "Here, let us sit so you can look at it." She walked us over to a table I pulled out her chair for her then pulled mine directly next to her.
    "I'm- really sorry Nuala. He- I lost my cool last night and just swung at him." She hummed as I began taking out another cool compress and popping the seal. It started to cool instantly. This time I gently pressed the ice pack to her face, understanding that it was still very sore.
    "It's alright, you have a very good swing you know?" She let out a small laugh. I couldn't help the tiniest smile creeping up on my lips.
    "You really think so huh?" I was happy she wasn't mad or hurt more personally by my actions.
    "Oh I know so now!" She squeezed my hand that was resting on my knee. "I'm truly okay, after what he was thinking about you- and don't tell Abe I said anything of the sort like this; he deserved it. Maybe not as hard, but I can understand there were high emotions from your part." I let out a sigh and nodded. Having a friend like her that is so understand of different situations like these are refreshing. Even if I don't really show it, what she said made me feel much better. "So, what are you doing after this? I understand you already saw my brother." I nodded.
    "I still haven't taken him on our daily walk, when I had saw him he had just woken up. So I thought it would be a good idea to come see you, let him freshen up and change so when I got back we could head out." I cleaned up the mess I made and stuffed it all in the med kit ti be figured out later and restocked.
    "It doesn't take him long to be ready usually. You should head back now, I will be okay if I have concerns about my cheek I can mention them to Abe." I smiled and stood up she squeezed my hand once more. I squeezed back before she dropped her hand.
    "Have fun on your little bookworm date, and remind him he needs to take a dip every now in then. I know he forgets when he's with you." She blushed slightly and looked down at her feet. I made my way to the door leaving the me kit for them. I'll come back and get it later.

   I stood in front of his door once more. I felt the ghost trail of electricity got through my arm again when I pressed in the code to his door. If that was going to be a constant I would have to see the Doctor about it. I knocked as I opened the door forgetting to do so before punching in the code. Being lost in thought like this will get me killed if I'm not careful, he prefers to not be snuck up on. His head snapped over to me. He had just finished putting on his boots it seemed as he gave me a wide eyed expression. I stared, realizing, I walked in as he was only half dressed. I quickly turned my head to his punching bag in the corner of the room and shielded my peripheral vision with my hand. "I am so very sorry! I wasn't thinking and just walked in I apologize!" He let out a choked cough before I heard him shuffling to make his way behind his folding wall. I glanced back over to where he was on the bed to double check before looking over at him- looking at me.
    "You're very stupid." I quickly slipped his robe over his arms and started to put it on. I sighed having no defence this time.
    "Okay, yes- alright I'm stupid." I dropped my hand and sat down in a chair next to a bookshelf.
    "Very stupid." I rolled my eyes, the remorse and embarrassment I was feeing was slipping. Letting him wake up was the worst possibly option. Should take him out for walks or speak to him when he just wakes up. He seems less ridged that way.
    "I agreed with you for once don't fucking push it." I crossed my legs and glared at him from the corner of my eye still wishing to give him some privacy.
    "I would have preferred you to wait outside. Not take a seat in my room as I dress." I stepped out from behind the wall and finished fastening his robe. I didn't say anything just let out a sigh and wondered what happened to the glimpse of the man I saw earlier. I walked him walk towards the door. "Are we leaving or not? If I dressed for no purpose other than to be stared at as I did then-"
    "Yes we're leaving. Stop bringing it up would you. It was an accident." I stood quickly and made it to the door I opened it and stepped out first. He followed before I shut the door to his room behind us. We walk in silence till we reached the courtyard. 
    "I already forgave one of your accidents today. I do not wish to forgive two." He kept looking ahead as we walked. His posture straight and stiff. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep me from snapping back. He had the nerve to say that when he has done much worse and has never truly apologized. Granted I never really had until today. My mind kept drifting back to how he was this morning. How he had smiled. How it felt when he had placed his hand over mine. I was brought out if my thoughts as I walked into a stone plant bed. I stumbled but was yanked back onto my feet rather quickly before I could hit the ground
    "Why are you acting like an absolute idiot!" He pulled my arm to get me to look at him. "You walk into peoples rooms without making yourself known before doing so. You're not watching were you step. If you break your nose I'll be the one accused! Start paying attention!" I his grab his arm freeing myself and bring it back behind him. I push him to that ground as best I can without causing too much pain. I apologize to Nuala in my head and make a mental note to go see her again. He groaned as he hit the ground. I placed my knee on the small of his back. I got down close to his ear as I spoke.
    "Don't you EVER put your hands on me again." I released him and stood up. I can take the hateful words but what I don't take is him grabbing me and shaking me like a doll.
    "Well, isn't that something coming from the likes of someone who looses their wits and slaps royalty." I stood far away from him as he got back on his feet dusting off his clothes and wiping his face. There was a small cut that began to bleed. I felt a pang in my chest as guilt started to rise in my throat. The anger was still hot and burning the back of my neck up into my head and in my ears.
    "We're done walking for the day. I'll bring you your meal at lunch. We're going back so I can check on your sister." I moved behind him trying to keep my composure and made him walk ahead. We walked back in a uncomfortable silence. When we had gotten to his door Nuala was waiting, her cheek already bandaged. She rubbed her arm before seeing us. She put in the code and opened the door. Nuada didn't say a word and walked in closing the door behind him. I let out a sigh and looked at Nuala.
    "What happened? What did he do?" She looked my face over then down my arms she stopped as she saw the red marks he had left.
    "I wasn't paying attention. My head has been fogy sense this morning and I walked into one of the stone plant beds in the courtyard. I fell and he grabbed me yanking me back pretty hard so I wouldn't hit the ground. I was taken by surprise that he caught me but after that he started to yell at me, so I reacted. I was trying to make sure I wasn't too rough when restraining him. I'm sorry." She shook her head.
    "Don't apologize, I understand, how about you take the rest of the day off, I'll stay with him, calm him down. I'll make sure he eats." I wanted to protest but the way me and him were in this current moment was not good. So I just nodded.
    "Thank you." She smiled and opened the door again walking in. I took a glance at Nuada as he sat in the same chair I had earlier. He shot me a glare and scoffed before turning away to look some where else, anywhere but at me. I stepped back as she shut the door and made my way back to my room. Sleep sounded good. I opened my door and changed into comfortable clothes before sitting down on my couch. I turned on my TV and laid down mindlessly watching whatever I could find. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sounds of the romcom playing.

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