Chapter Fourteen: The Last Dance

Start from the beginning

"That's cute" Hermione says
"I know" Crystal says grinning

"No fair! You have a family that that get you actually outfits from the time, and I have to wear shitting things" Caroline pouts and Crystal chuckles

"You could always come over Care and grab something" Crystal says and Caroline grins

"I'll think of that next time" Caroline mutters

Crystal walks out and smiles seeing her aunt still there

"You look amazing. Now hurry up I'll bring you to the dance so your nor late" Lexi says and Crystal grins at her fixing up her make-up quickly before they leave


"Have fun" Lexi says kissing Crystals cheek
"I will. Bye Lex" Crystal says and Lexi smiles before vamp-speeding off

"Yes, I'll have fun beating Nikkys ass if he hurts my friends" Crystal nods smiling and Klaus eyes her

"Please don't use the chainsaw" Klaus wispers quietly and the ones with vamp-hearing chuckle

Crystal walks inside the dance and smiles slightly at the people she walks pass and ignores the bots eyeing her with lust

"Cece!" Caroline yells
"Care!" Crystals says

"You look amazing!" Caroline gushes and Crystal chuckles

"Thanks, you look great aswell" Crystals tells her and the blond smiles at her

"Hey, Bonnie" Crystal says and Bonnie smiles back

"Munchkin, I'm presuming you got Lexis help with the outfit" Damon says amsued and Crystal nods

"Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight" Dana says on the stage speaking into the mirkrophone

Crystal, Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie all look towards the stage

"This is for Crystal and Elena. From Klaus" Dana says smiling and Elena looks stunned as music starts playing

"Well, I'm flattered" Crystal says and Damon shakes his head

"Why thank you" Crystal teases and Klaus roll his eyes
"You welcome" Klaus says sarcastically

"That was a lame, cheap shot. He's just trying to bait us" Damon says as Elena looks around

"I know everyone here" Elena says frowning
"He might be under disguises. Or possezeinh someone" Crystal muses and they look at her

"What? If he had a witch he could!" Crystal says

"She's right" Freya nods and Crystal grins

"Right. So...look out for someone who's acting differently. Got it" Stefan nods and Crystal chuckles

"There's Ric. I'll be back" Damon says walking of and Crystal follows

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