Chapter 1.

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(Y/n pov)
                     (Fifteen years ago)
                        (You are five)

"Moooooom, we're gonna be lateee!" I yelled in anticipation. I ran down the hall in the dress my mother had been making me. "Just a minute dear, we have a lot to get done in the house before we even think about going to the temple." Mother said sternly fore she was tidying up the house. Actually, ALL the adults are cleaning, because today was the day the children were to be blessed and the god will choose a household to live in for a year. "Okayyyy, but mom, do I look pretty?" I asked shyly with a light blush on my face out of nervousness. Mother went and turned around to face me, her face went from bored to what looked like her heart was melting. "Oh my goodneeeesss, my baby is so cuuutee! Of course, you look pretty my love, tell the person who made your dress that they are a good seamstress." Mother said with a wink. I started to giggle at her vain joke. Mother then started to cry. "M-mom? Why are you crying!? Are you hurt, a-are you okay, d-did I d-do something?" I asked frantically, hoping my mother was not hurt. She laughed a little through her tears. "No hunny, mommy's not hurt. It's just it feels just like yesterday you were just born, and now you're already five. You have grown so fast!" Mother said with a fond look on her face.

We started walking to the temple to get my blessing from God Sundrop. We walked into the temple and there were twenty kids in there, fore we have a small village. The sun god protects our village so once every hundred years we will give him a female bride sacrifice. Fifteen years before he chooses a sacrifice he blesses the kids, then chooses a house to live in for the remainder of the year. He then will leave back to the heavens till the sacrifice day, per the promise our ancestors made with him.

(3rd pov)
The clouds started to swirl quickly, the sky went gray, the animals hid, and the sun god descended. Sundrop: God of light and day AKA The Sun God appeared in the temple in front of all the kids. "I am Sundrop, God of Light and The Day. I have come here to give you all blessings based on what I see in your future. Please form a line." Sundrop stated in a monotone to hide his hidden excitement, because he truly loved kids, he thought they were cute, and he knew they were the future of this village.

(Sundrop's pov)
They all formed a perfect line. The first kid I was to bless was a six-year-old boy. "Child, I give you the blessing of prosperity." I said as dignified as possible. The line went on and on till I was on the last two girls. "Child, I give you the blessing of foresight." The girl looked so happy to have that blessing. Now onto the last one... "Child... you will have the blessing of light." I said to the last girl who seemed to be curious about what that meant. Oh goodness, she's soooooo cute. Oh my goshhh! Her future, it's... surprising.

(3rd pov)
Everyone went back to their homes, and y/n was still in the temple staring at the sun god. "Can I call you Sunny?" She bursted out. Sundrop looked shocked to see that she was still there, and watching him. 'Oh my gosh, she wants to give me a nickname, sooo cuteee!' Sundrop thought to himself. "Yes you may... that is if I am allowed to spend the rest of the year with your family." He stated knowing she'd say yes. "Of course! My parents would be thrilled! " y/n says in excitement and glee. She grabbed his hand and they walked to her house. "Me and you are gonna be BEST friends, we are going to play with the calf's, and piglets, and-and we are gonna do each other's hair and have sleepovers... wait... we will always be having a sleepover!" Y/n said happily as she kept rambling on.

(Sunny's pov)
Wow, this kid has a lot of energy. I hope she doesn't lose that when she's older. Gosh, she's so cute. "Y/n how far is your house from my temple?" I asked in a serene voice with a slight smile. "Oh, it's the next house." Y/n said with a cute smile. As we walked in she yelled, "Mooooom daaaad Sunny is gonna stay with ussssss!" Goodness, she can yell, but what should I expect, she's a child after all. Her parents rushed to the door and looked at me then at their daughter. "Y/n! It's disrespectful to call a god by a nickname! Please oh generous god, spare our daughter. She's only five, she didn't know any better.!" Her mother groveled. "It's alright ma'am, I made a deal with her, she can call me Sunny if I can stay at your home for the rest of the year." I said as kindly as possible. Their faces lit up, because their own child has befriended a god such as myself.

(3rd pov)
They let him in the house and showed him around. "You all have a beautiful home, I am looking forward to living here with you all." Sunny said in a polite voice.

Word count: 919

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