weekend of Bahrain

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While waiting for Daniel to arrive I decided to take a drink, I know I shouldn't diet and all but good god was I getting confused. Right now I don't know what I'm thinking or feeling, there is no way I like him. We hated each other for the longest time, I mean we're good friends now but I can't like him like that. Thankfully that's when Daniel arrived.

'Hey Daniel, come on in.'

'Heyy Maxy, how have you been?'

I have been better, I am off my ass confused. but I wouldn't just say so.

'yeah I have been good, just catching up with friends after the winter break.' gosh why can't I just speak truth.

'That makes sense I also wanted to hang out with some people, just didn't get the chance yet and I'm not sure where to meet them.'

'Nice, can I recommend that you go bowling, I went a couple of weeks ago and it was epic.'

'Sounds good, i'll take your recommendation on board, now why did you invite me here really.'

My heart seemed to stop for a second before  beating at 100 miles an hour. How did Daniel know that something was wrong.

'Can I not just want to spend some time with my friend?'

'Max, I have known you for a while now. You may be able to fool every single person you know. I know when you aren't okay. I hope you know I'm here for you and you can talk to me.'

'I know. It's just that right now I don't even know what to think, never mind putting it into words.' That's the best way I could describe it to him. I don't want to tell what is actually going on in my mind.

'Maxy, that's okay. Sometimes things are confusing, take your time with it mate.'

'Yeah, I will do. Let's just say, for now I'm figuring out who I am.' God I hope that it doesn't make him suspect anything.

'Do whatever you need.'

'Lets just hangout and have some fun!'


As soon as Daniel left everything went back to the mess it was before. In these moments I just feel like my mind goes in infinite loops, loosing all control I had over it. The best I can do is maybe just relax get some rest.

I decide to take a shower, stepping under the warm water, relaxing my muscles and my mind. After having cleaned myself I just stand there for a solid 10 minutes. Thinking of every single memory I have with Charles, rethinking whatever emotions I might have felt or feel now. But it doesn't get me any further, really it only send me spiraling more. I should just get to bed this will only make everything worse.


It Saturday now. Friday everything felt great but the car in the long run wasn't quite how we wanted it yet. So I am hoping for pole position and hoping for a good race start tomorrow, if that happens I should be able to keep both the Ferrari's behind me.

Right now I am just walking through the pit lane, I am on the way to the garage to get ready for qualifying which is in 30 minutes.


"You have a small break Max. Next up Q3." I hear christian say to me in the headset.

I decide just to stay in the car, it's just five minutes anyway. i need to stay focused, Ferrari have been very close. Even with it being the first race everything is very important. Those smal points, the little moments, every detail matters right now.

"Max pay attention now one more minute." 


- Charles POV-

Who would have thought that at Saturday night we would actually think we can win tomorrow. Well it wasn't me, but look at us now, a Ferrari front row for tomorrows race.

"Hello mate." I say to Carlos walking by. " Such a good weekend so far, what are ya thinking?"

"I am not sure yet, everything looks so promising tho. I am very exited for the year. Maybe its finally a Ferrari year." I joke around.

"Yeah for sure!"

I continue to walk out of the track. As I was originally on the way to leave, get a good night sleep for tomorrow. But instead I spot Max looking rather distraught. I know I should probably not feel bad, yet all I can do is feel sympathy for him. Last year that was me, looking distraught and broken. Now it's my friends. Sometimes this sport can be an asshole. 

I smile at him while walking by, give him a pat on the back, try to push away the feeling. Every one of the drivers signed up for this. We know how the story goes.

What Party? The Party!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora