the weekend of Bahrain

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A/n hi, like I mentioned I a m struggling with writing sorry for the very short chapter. My goal is to keep the chapters between 700 to a 1000 words. Hope you enjoy!


It was the first race weekend of the season, I was pretty nervous and excited, a lot is
expected of me after the 2021 season. But besides that I just couldn't wait for the first qualifications and race. I had a good practice so far but Ferrari seems very close this year.

Maybe I will have more fights with leclerc, something we have been doing since the karting days. I definitely enjoy the friendship we build besides the competition.

I scan my paddock pass and enter the Bahrain circuit for the first time this weekend. With it just being media day I won't have to be here to long, maybe I could catch up with a few people.

Inbetween interviews my eye caught Lando and Carlos. "Hey Lando, Carlos! How have you been?"

"Yeah I have been okay." Lando says

"Me too, bit bothered with yetlag. How are you Max?" Carlos asked?

"Yeah definitely bothering me as well but I am excited for the season. I was wondering if you guys wanted to catch up this afternoon?"


"Yeah sure, what did you have in mind?"

"If I am correct you both like fiva?"

And with that we planned a night of Fiva. Lando asked if he could bring George and Alex. So I told Carlos he could bring someone as well.


I heard "Knock, knock!" As I was setting up the PlayStation.

I opened my room door to Alex and Lando. "George will be here a bit later, he had some more things to do at the paddock." Alex mentioned.

"Yeah that's fine." Thats when Carlos and Charles walked around the hall corner, kinda making way to much noise.

"Mate, that is absolute bullshit!" Charles shouts again way to loud.

"Shhhh!" We basically all say in unison. They look our way at the same time, a little startled looking.

"I see we are just in time then."

"Yeah we just got here Carlos." Lando says kinda shy. I suspect he has somewhat of a crush on the Spaniard.

"Common in guys." I say.

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