The Heart of the Crowfather

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Morning came in a glistening glory of gold and blue shining down on the snowy tundra. Philza was up in time to see it, pulling himself from his bed so he could witness the sun sparkling over the newly completed temple. The black walls sleekly polished and streaked with gold here and there, the stained windows that looked like jewels set in glass, the warm red Nether brick steps leading up to the front, each swelled his heart with joy and pride. He and Techno had made this. They had made this for Kristin and it was beautiful. Surely she would come soon now. Phil leaned on the windowsill, gazing with soft eyes at the temple, his wings trembling happily on his back.

Once the sun had risen high enough to crest the tops of the trees in the distance, Philza broke from his trance and took off downstairs. His energy had returned tenfold since last night, he could almost feel the blood leaping in his veins. Stepping out on the porch, he spread his arms and wings out to embrace the warmth from the east. The far-off forest looked dark and full, their multitudes of shadows stretching across the ground towards the homes. Kristin's forest. Phil twirled in place, his laughter ringing out over the land. "Soon," he promised himself, "soon she will come. She will come and we'll work out whatever went wrong."

The thought of his beloved reminded him of the roses that he hadn't checked on since they were transplanted at the start of their project. He walked to the edge of the porch and leaned over the railing, peering towards Techno's side of the house. He could see the bush, large and flowering more than he'd ever seen them bloom before. Seems they like the sun after all. He grinned and decided it was time to go see what breakfast Techno had gotten together for them.

He flung the front door open, his eyes automatically going to the table nearby. The room was empty. Philza grinned wryly. "He's still asleep." Moving more quietly now, he crossed to the kitchen and began looking through the cabinets.

As he mulled over what to make, Rovfågel swooped down from her perch above the door and nestled on her master's shoulder. Krah. Good morning, Dadza.

"Heyyy." Phil cooed, running his fingers over the crow's head. "Morning, little one. You got good sleep?"

The bird nudged the side of his head with her beak. Temple looks amazing, Phil! Mumza like it.

A giggle bubbled out before Philza could stop it. "I hope so too. I hope she does." He took down some bread and began heading for the cooler to see what Techno had in there.

Dadza. Rovfågel nudged him again, cawing softly and fluttering her wings. Dadza. Need milk. M i l k.

"Milk?" Phil turned his head, only just able to see the head of his crow staring at him. "What for?"

The bird hopped up and down on his shoulder. Drinks, Phil. Soup. Soup nice in the cold. Forgetfulza. She bonked his head with her beak.

Phil laughed at the teasing. "Well, well, looks like you know something about cooking. Would you like to help?"

For answer, the bird took off, flapping to the front door and landing in front of it, glancing back at him. Phil grabbed a bucket from beside the door and headed out into the snow again. Milking the cow seemed to take only a few moments; Philza's mind was still buzzing with heady joy which would not be settling for the rest of the day. He trotted back to the house and began chopping up potatoes, chicken and carrots to put in the soup. He took out some flour, mixed it with some of the milk and a bit of butter, rolling it into little balls that would later be dumplings. Rovfågel chirped, hopping about on the counter, her head tilted to the side as she watched Phil cook. She brought him spoons and a bowl, jabbed at the frying chicken with her beak, twittered jokes and teased as Phil gathered spices and petted her and shot his own comebacks at her.

The mushrooms Techno had stored away bobbed in the soup, which steamed and scented the air with savory herbs, sweetened milk, beef-flavored broth and golden-brown chicken. For a little surprise, Phil diced an apple, adding that to the mix as well. The juice would filter into every bite later. His mouth was already watering.

Techno had not yet come down by the time the soup was ready. Phil glanced up the stairs and decided against calling him. He'd take the food up to Techno instead and they'd eat in his room. It was cozy up there anyway; the Piglin kept a lit fire in there. Soup would be a welcome breakfast.

"Rovfågel?" Philza called, taking down two clay mugs from a shelf. "Where's a tray I can use? I need to take breakfast up to Techno."

The crow flapped from the counter, swooping towards a corner of the kitchen, pecking a wooden tray large enough to span the table.

"Just the thing." Phil rewarded his friend with some neck scratches and an apple piece, then took the tray back to the counter, where he placed the two bowls of soup on top and the two mugs of milk. A small plate of bread and butter went in as well and then Philza snuck a few cookies in and hid them under the bread, as an added present. "All set?" He asked Rovfågel. "You approve?"

The bird fluttered her wings, crooning over the food and dancing back and forth. Nice for humans, Dadza. Worms are better.

"Of course you'd prefer that." Phil chuckled. "But this is for Techno and me." He paused as the crow simply stared at him, hopping straight up and down for a few moments. "You're hungry too, aren't you. Alright, you go get your worms from the composter, the one in the greenhouse, alright? Meet me up in Techno's room when you're done and we can chat together. It'll be warmer up there anyway."

Rovfågel bobbed her head and leapt into the air, beating her wings to gain altitude, then glided through the window Philza hurriedly opened for her. He left it open for her and strode back to the table. Everything was stable and secure. He picked it up and headed for the stairs.

The chill must've gotten into the house, he thought, for it got colder the higher he climbed. Maybe Techno had forgotten to keep his fireplace lit this time, which would guarantee a hibernation and prove very inconvenient for Philza's breakfast plans.

The door was partially closed when Phil got up there. He smiled, shaking his head. Techno hadn't even shut his door properly. Well, it made things easier for him with both his hands full. Phil kicked the door open. "Wake up, mate! I brought breakfast."

The moment he looked into the room, Philza jerked back in horror. The sound of the tray crashing to the floor was almost drowned out by the blood pounding in his ears and the frantic beating of his heart as it suddenly splintered and crumbled inside him as hot tears burned his eyes and he dropped to his knees. His own scream pierced his ears.

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