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First and foremost:

Honor to the Blood god.

We will miss him. We will continue to act as his Voices. We will grow in strength and numbers until whoever tells us there is no more Technoblade will have to say that to a Multitude that will laugh in their faces and declare them liars. We will be the Anarchists he would be proud of. That's the best way I can think of to keep going through this.


Now...this is a story I and one of my Roses came up with. The plot is mainly her idea, honestly, and I thought it was awesome, so I'm basically providing the writing style and that's mostly it. Credit for most of this story goes to _LuneLAzur_ and I am very happy to have worked on this with her.

This for the fans who lost someone precious to them. Someone they either looked up to or cheered on from behind their screens. Someone they "bullied" with humor and mockery or supported with exactly the same thing. Someone with whom they built the chants of "E", "L", and "Blood for the Blood god". As such a story, however, it will be somewhat painful to read, because there are a few similarities to what we've been going through recently.

Trigger warnings:
Blood/mentions of blood
Sharp weapons
Character death
Suicidal/self harm thoughts
Self-blaming behavior
The Five Stages of Grief

The similarities were actually somewhat accidental at the time, so nobody panic and think we did this on purpose to hurt you, okay?

Anyway. As I personally plan to continue my own stories, this will be updated rather slowly. However, I don't want to drop it, so here you are and I hope that it does you some measure of good. I salute you all and to whatever Voices and Crows remain:

Honor to the Crowfather.
Honor to the Blood god.

Emeraldduo still exists in defiance of death and mortality.

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