Chapter 4

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I was thrown through a pair of doors. The toe of my boot caught on the edge of the rug, sending me sprawling onto the floor.

Talons dug into my arm for what seemed like the millionth time, wrenching me to my feet. I came face to face with the most beautiful and terrifying woman I had ever laid eyes on.

"What were you thinking?" she hissed.


She shoved me backwards into a chair.

"Showcasing your abilities like that in front of everyone! Magic is forbidden before the unlocking of students' fingers!"

I was beginning to get a bit annoyed at the way this woman was speaking to me. "That was the first time that had ever happened," I said. "And I don't know what you're on about, unlocking fingers and all that nonsense. In fact"—I stood from the chair—"I don't know what any of this is about! I don't even know what the hell I'm doing here!"

Her eyes flashed. "You'd do well to watch your mouth when you speak to your Dean."

The fire was taken out of me immediately, especially when I spotted a plaque reading Lady Lesso: Dean on her desk.

I swallowed. "Um—sorry. Ma'am. I. . .didn't realize who you were."

She stood up to her full height. "If I see you using magic again, I will be much less generous in the future. Am I clear?"

"But I didn't know I could—"

"Am I clear?"

I bit my lip to refrain from spitting out another word. I nodded.

"Good. Now get out of my sight."

I did as I was told.


By the time I had gotten to the stairs of Malice Tower, I was seething.

I had nearly drowned. I had been shoved around like I was nothing, handled like a ragdoll. I had been shouted at and chastised and beaten.

And I hadn't even been here for a day.

Suffice it to say, I was not in a very good mood when I reached the door to my dorm.

Especially when I found it flooded.

Sophie was crouched over a puddle of water on the floor, singing as she applied blush in her reflection.

Three bunk mates and three rats watched from across the room, mouths open in shock.

Hester looked up at me. "She flooded our floor."

"To do her makeup," said Anadil.

"Whoever heard of anything so evil?" Dot grimaced. "Song included."

"Is my face even?" Sophie said, squinting into the puddle. "I can't go to class looking like a clown."

I clenched my jaw. "Sophie," I grit out. "What are you doing?"

She looked up. "Oh, hello, Y/n! Oh my, you're looking a bit flushed. Perhaps you should use some of my concealer."

My hands shook. "That's it!" I stormed across the room and yanked her from the floor. "I have had it with you!"

Sophie's eyes were wide. "W-what do you mean?"

I took a step back and pointed at her. "You! With your—your makeup and your pink dresses and your wanting to be a princess. News flash—you aren't one! Now we need to find the School Master and convince him to let us go home because goddamn it I am sick and tired of following you around while you flit about trying to get the attention of stupid princes! We should be focused on getting out of here! And all you can worry about is if your fucking hair looks perfect!"

Never After (School for Good and Evil x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن