Number Twenty-One - Snacks

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Favorite Snacks

Chips - Night

Pretzels - Jagged

Peanuts / Salted Peanuts - Acorn

Popcorn - Burn

Trail Mix - Brindle

Crackers - Pigeon

Chocolate - Basil

Cookies - Soot

Fruit (Dried or otherwise) - Berry

Vegetables - Chervil

Yogurt - Dawn

Cheese - Fig

Jerky - Squirrel

Pocky - Wisteria

Gummies - Sweet

Granola Bars - Chestnut

Can't Choose - Willow

Least Favorite Snack

Chips - Echo

Pretzels - Root

Peanuts / Salted Peanuts - Patter

Popcorn - Hop

Trail Mix - Needle

Crackers - Dust

Chocolate - Wish

Cookies - Fever

Fruit (Dried or otherwise) - Breath

Vegetables - Bristle

Yogurt - Nuzzle

Cheese - Plume

Jerky - Twig

Pocky - Snap

Gummies - Honey

Granola Bars - Grain

Don't Have One - Adder

I am so sorry that it's been so long! I, uh..may have forgotten about this for a while. But, here I am! I'm back! Haha..again, I am so sorry. I'll try to update more, but...ya know, no promises. It takes a bit to think of subjects. If you have any topics you'd like to see, feel free to suggest them!

Anyway, I got a few because..yeah.

Nightbreath, Burnbristle, Pigeontwig, Basilfever, Figroot, Sweetneedle, and Chestnutpatter.

Now! Some of the ones I dislike, I dislike more than others. Some I chose just because I don't have them often enough to like them.

Also!! I don't dislike cookies! I chose it because I don't want to snack on cookies. As a treat, sure! As a snack, probably not. So, no, I don't hate cookies. I love cookies, I just know there are better things to snack on haha!

Alright, thank you for sticking around! I would love to know what you got, so feel free to comment it!

I'll see you in the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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